Past events

To get an overview of our recent past activities, you can use the calendar view.


8-9 June 2017

Migration and Conflict

5th May 2017

Belgian Day for Labour Economists

20th February 2017

Werk voor ouderen in België : werkt het beleid? / L'emploi des seniors en Belgique : quelles politiques pour quels effets ?

27th January 2017

Au-delà du relèvement de l’âge de la pension: les barrières à l'emploi âgé en Belgique


December 22

Fourth Annual Christmas meeting of Belgian Economists

September 18-19

8th Louvain Symposium in Economic Dynamics Sutainability, Institutions and Development

May 28

Prof. V. Vandenberghe organised a one-day workshop on "Firm-level Analysis of Labour-Market Issues"

May 22 -23

Workshop on Labor Mobility, the Housing Market and Labor Market Outcomes

February 4

Job Market Seminar

January 23 - 24

Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop

January 23 - 24

International conference on "International Labor Mobility and Inequality Across Nations", Clermont-Ferrant