Administrative Staff

Séverine DINJAR

Office: D 112
Phone: +32 (0)10 / 47 41 43
E-mail: Severine Dinjar

Sébastien FONTENAY

Office: D 010
Phone: +32 (0)10 /47 39 82
E-mail: Sébastien Fontenay

Virginie LEBLANC

Office: D 345
Phone: +32 (0)10/ 47 34 26
E-mail: Virginie Leblanc


Office:  D 346
Phone: +32 (0)10 / 47 41 47
E-mail: Cécile Modave


Office : D 220
Phone: +32 (0)10 /47 41 65
E-mail: Sébastien Schillings

Claudine STAGE

Office: D 218
Phone: +32 (0)10/ 47 39 76
E-mail: Claudine Stage


IRES members can access various services aiming to help them coping with administrative and technical issues. The administrative and technical staff offers various services. To help to address the right person, we have established a list of the different administrative tasks at IRES