Labor Market in the Macroeconomy - A Tribute to Henri Sneessens

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 Labor Markets in the Macroeconomy:  A Tribute to Henri Sneessens

Louvain-la-Neuve, May 18 2015 – place Montesquieu, 1, Lecl 93



Organising committee: Jean-François Fagnart et David de la Croix
Scientific committee: Jean-François Fagnart, David de la Croix, Omar Licandro et Raouf Boucekkine



9:20 Welcome (David de la Croix)
First session (chairman: Vincent Bodart)
9:30 Raquel Fonseca (Université du Québec à Montréal)
"Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity"  
10:00 Anna Batyra (Koç University, Istanbul)
"Women in Turkey and attitudes to work"
10:30 Jean-François Fagnart (Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles)
"Net energy ratio, EROEI and the economy"
11:00 Break
Second session (chairman: Bruno Van der Linden)
11:30 Eva Moreno Galbis (Université d'Angers)
"The Spanish Productivity Puzzle in the Great Recession"
12:00 Plenary talk: Raouf Boucekkine (Groupement de Recherche en Économie Quantitative d'Aix-Marseille)
"Algeria between the hammer and the anvil: the Arab spring, the counter oil shock and the political equilibrium"
13:00 Lunch
Third session (chairman: Fatemeh Shadman-Mehta)
14:30 Omar Licandro (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE)
"The welfare implications of capital flows"
15:30 Break
Fourth session (chairman: Michel Lubrano)
16:00 Bertrand Candelon (IPAG Business School)
"Testing for Contagion in a Multivariate System"
16:30 David de la Croix (Université catholique de Louvain)
"Did Longer Lives Buy Economic Growth ? From Malthus, to Lucas and Ben Porath"
17:00 Drink with interventions by V. Bodart, J. Drèze, M. Lubrano, B. Van der Linden.
19:00 Dinner (for chairmen, presenters, concluding speakers)


 Information : Claudine Stage