Xiaohui TANG, Dr.
Sensors, Microsystems and Actuators Laboratory of Louvain (SMALL)
Electrical Engineering Dpt. (ELEN)
Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM)
Louvain School of Engineering (EPL)
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Office Address
A.142. Maxwell Building, Place du Levant 3
B-1348, Louvain-la-Neuve
Contact Information
Tel(Fax): +32(0)10 47 21 74 (25 98)
Xiaohui Tang160;
Web : http://www.uclouvain.be/xiaohui.tang
Postal adress : ELEN - Place du Levant 3 bte L5.03.02 à 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Research Topic(s)
- Sensors and nanoelectronics
Latest relevant publications
- X. Tang, D. Flandre, J.-P. Raskin, Y. Nizetb, L. Moreno-Hagelsieba, R. Pampin, L. A. Francis, A new interdigitated array microelectrode-oxide-silicon sensor with label-free, high sensitivity and specificity for fast bacteria detection, accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators B 156 (2011) 578–587.
- X. Tang, F. Blondeau, P. Pierre-Paul, R. Pampin, E. Godfroid, A. M. Jonas, B. Nysten, S. Demoustier-Champagne, B. Iñiguez, J.-P. Raskin and V. Bayot, Direct Protein Detection with a Nano-Interdigitated Gate MOSFET, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2009) 24, 3531.
- X. Tang, N. Reckinger, V. Bayot, D. Flandre, E. Dubois, D. A. Yarekha, G. Larrieu, A. Lecestre, J. Ratajczak, N. Breil, V. Passi and J.-P. Raskin, An electrical evaluation method for the silicidation of silicon nanowires, Applied Physics Letters (2009) 95, 023106.
- X. Tang, V. Bayot, N. Reckinger, D. Flandre, J.-P. Raskin and B. Nysten, A simple method for Measuring Si-Fin Sidewall Roughness by AFM, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (2009) 8(5), 611