Thesis Award 2013

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2013 was conferred to Laurent VANBEVER for his thesis entitled
"Methods and Techniques for Disruption-Free Network Reconfiguration".
The thesis promotor is Prof. Olivier BONAVENTURE.

The ICTEAM Thesis Award, which consists of an amount of 2000 €, is granted yearly to the best doctoral thesis that was publicly defended in the course of the previous civil year and for which at least one of the co-directors is officially a member of ICTEAM.

The award was granted during the Young Researchers’ Day (May 22, 2013).

Michel Gevers, chair of the selection committee, delivered a speech that you can read here explaining how the jury proceeded to select the best thesis among the 6 applications.

Laurent Vanbever couldn't be present since he has a post-doctoral position at Princeton University, but he could nevertheless participate to the Award ceremony via videoconferencing, which allowed him to give a thank you speech that was much appreciated. 

The members of the selection committee were G. Avoine, C. De Vleeschouwer, M. Gevers (chair), P. Lefèvre, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Van Lamsweerde and M. Verleysen. 

Thesis Award 2013 : L. Vanbever, Y. Deville, M. Gevers

Top left : L. Vanbever live from Princeton - Bottom left : Y. Deville and M. Gevers - Right : M. Gevers