1959 : Prof. Lucien Morren, thinking with a wise insight that electronics was to play a worldwide prominent role, persuades the Rector to entrust Paul Jespers with the creation of an Electronics section in the School of Engineering. The UCL will soon be one among the first European universities where teaching and research in the field of semiconductors becomes a priority.
All along his career, Professor Paul Jespers has been a key European contributor to the development of education, research and conferences in microelectronics. People from everywhere in the word co-authored a book bearing witness to his contributions.
Paul Jespers by S. Bampi, J.P. Bardyn, P. De Muelenaere, Y. Leduc, J. Lebel, B. Murmann, Ch. Shekar, F. Silveira, M. Taquet, E. Vittoz, A. Vladimirescus, Ch. Trullemans (editor).