Heathlands (L. Moquet)
Wild plant reproductive system.
Heatlands (T. Albert)
Clonality in Vaccinium myrtillus estimated by AFLP markers
Alien species in Belgium (M. Pairon)
Dispersal capacity estimation by microsatellites and paternity analysis for the alien Prunus serotina
Survival of rare species (L. Somme)
Gene flow estimation in remnant populations of Comarum palustre (paternity analysis with microsatellites
Bog and heathland conservation (L. Moquet)
Records of bumble bee buzzing flowers of Vaccinium vitis-idaea to estimate pollinator efficiency
Improvement of pear production (M. Quinet)
Parthenocarpy induction by spraying plant hormones is a common practice in pear tree ‘Conférence’ orchards. However, flower pollination and fertilization increased ‘Conférence’ fruit size but pear flowers are not attractive to insects. In order to improve pear production, our project aims to better highlight the pear tree reproduction and focuses on the pollination and parthenocarpy processes in the’ Conférence’ cultivar.
Collaborations: Centre fruitier wallon (CEF), Proefcentrum fruitteelt vzw. (pcfruit).
Financial resources: Service Public de Wallonie (subventions DGO3)
Pollen germination and pollen tube growth (fluorescence microscopy) for testing self-compatibility
Decline of pollinators (L. Somme)
Sterol composition (Gas Chromatography) to compare pollen nutritional qualities
Alien impact (A. Vervoort)
Spectral reflectance of flowers (UV) to estimate insect attractiveness
Survival of rare species (L. Somme)
How do plants initiate a flower? Genetical, hormonal and environmental control of flowering and flower morphogenesis in tomato
Flowering is a multistage process composes of sequences of events that involve the participation of different organs and are under control of different groups of interacting genes. We developed morphological, physiological, genetic and molecular approaches to improve our understanding of the flowering process in tomato using a collection of simple and double mutants. Moreover, we investigate the impact of environmental constraints on tomato reproduction in cultivated tomato and its wild relative Solanum chilense.
Collaborations: Rafael Lozano (Universidad de Almeria, Spain), Claire Périlleux (Université de Liège, Belgium), Juan-Pablo Martinez (INIA-La Cruz, Chile).
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