Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions in Belgian blue husbandry (M. Mathot)
Comparison of various options in cattle feeding and manure management to reduce greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from Belgian blue production systems at barns and manure store. Measurement of gas emissions and nutrients flows.
Collaborations: CRA-W, INRA, AWE, Dumoulin S.A., ULG.
Financial resources: Service Public de Wallonie
PROTECT'eau (M. De Toffoli & O. Imbrecht)
Water resources protection against nitrate and pesticide pollution.
Collaborations: Agra-Ost asbl, Centre agri-environnemental de Michamps, Centre de recherche agronomiques, Centre indépendant de promotion fourragère – CIPF asbl, Fourrages-Mieux asbl, Greenotec asbl, Institut Royal pour l’Amélioration de la Betterave - IRBAB asbl, Nitrawal asbl, Requasud asbl, ULg Gembloux Agro Bio Tech - GRENeRA.
Financial resources: Service Public de Wallonie