

It's not hard to show a bit of respect and that's all we ask really.

It's up to you to :

1. look after your room or flat, the shared spaces, and all the communal areas.

2. take responsibility for the behaviour of your guests.

3. Be careful not to damage any walls, furniture, doors, terrace, .....

In case of damage, charges will be applied,  so it's really not worth it.

For a list of charges please view the lease annex 


- 7 - Occupants cannot modify the premises, whether painting walls and ceilings, floors, furniture... Likewise, door locks cannot be changed. Signs, posters and satellite dishes are forbidden.

- 8 - The lessee is responsible for the cost of replacing broken indoor or outdoor glass regardless of cause. S/he maintains in good working order all appliances and distribution systems for water, gas, electricity and central heating, toilets and discharge lines, and makes sure toilets, pipes and drains do not clog.

Toilets can be unclogged only by the Accommodation Department.

It is strictly forbidden to pour oils or other fats into sinks, bathroom facilities, bins and drains.

- 9 - It is forbidden to unscrew shower strainers, in order to avoid water problems in the building.