Assessment of Transversal Skills - Seminar April 20

avril 20, 2018

9:15 - 16:30

In the context of the Coimbra working group on Education Innovation led by Pr. Vincent Wertz, UCL is hosting an international seminar on 'Assessment of transversal skills' co-organized by the Louvain Learning Lab. Any person interested is invited to join! Please register by sending an email to The deadline for the registration is 9 April 2018.


•    9.15 to 9.30 Welcome and introduction of UCL by D. Samson
•    9.30 to 10.10 Introductory presentation : M. Frenay, UCLouvain
The transversal learning outcomes of the bachelor in psychology : which ones, how are they activated, how are they assessed ?

•    10.10 to 10.50 Mary Clarke, RCSI, Ireland 
The international citizenship award at the RCSI and its evaluation through an on line portfolio.

•    11.15 to 12.45 Workshop (in small groups)

•    13.30 to 14.15 In large group : share workshop productions ; clarify what is a TLO ; check how one progresses through the curriculum

•    14.15 to 14.45 A student’s perspective on TLO 
Do they see where we intend to bring them ?

•    14.45 to 15.15 Transversal skills in projects (LSE experience)

•    15.35 to 16.15 Philippe Neyt, UCLouvain
Communication in a foreign language (english). How is this skill put into practice ?, how is it assessed ?, what has been the evolution over 15 years and what are the next challenges ?

•    16.15 Conclusions
•    16.30 Evaluation

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