In January 2018, the Louvain moocXperience represents:
- 24 MOOCs available on the edX platform
- 14 in French, 10 in English
- 75 runs in total, since February 2014 (some MOOCs ran 7 times)
- 403.000 registered learners ; 80.000 active learners ; 23.000 passing learners
- 13.800 UCLouvain students who followed a MOOC as part of 68 regular courses (in 8 semesters)
- 4 new MOOCs in preparation for 2018-2019
- other MOOCs distributed through other platforms, for instance as part of the international Rescif network (réseau international Rescif - in French)
- 54 professors and 20 teaching assistants involved, from 10 schools (faculties)
- 21 training workshops
- an international edX training in Louvain-la-Neuve in May, 2015
- a moocQuality research and 9 papers by course teams
The online courses allow two new kind of projects: