Research and publications

moocQuality Research

This research started in December 2015, aiming to assess the effects of MOOCs on learning.

UCLouvain has been the first Belgian university to get into MOOCs, confirming its leadership in educational innovation supporting a quality-based academic training. After two years of intensive work developing the first MOOCs wave, we needed to step back and consider what has been done: how to assess the quality of these MOOCs? What is their impact in the objective of developing a high standard academic curriculum in the 21st century?

Thanks to the support of Chaire Treetop, through Fondation Louvain, a researcher has been hired for two years within the Teaching and Learning UNESCO chair (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences).

This research will lead to:

  1. Assess the quality of the processes and products of the Louvain moocXperience
  2. Analyze the effects of the Louvain moocXperience on students, on professors and on UCLouvain in general.

Expected outcomes

  • Empirical data that will make possible assessing the quality and the effects of the Louvain moocXperience
  • Scientific publications that will take part in developing an international expertize in the fields of higher education, educational innovation and eLearning
  • Various ways of disseminating the results among the academic community (internal publication, seminars…), allowing exchanges and mutual learning, based on the innovations that arose during the project