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- Schiffino, N., Cogel, M., Baudewyns, P., Hamonic, E., Legrand, V. & Reuchamps, M. (2015). Entre taux de rétention passif et taux de rétention actif : une analyse de la motivation à partir du MOOC "Découvrir la science politique" (Louv3x) sur la plateforme edX. Revue Internationale des Technologies en Pédagogie Universitaire, 12(1-2).
- Combefis, S., & Van Roy, P. (2015, May). Three-Step Transformation of a Traditional University Course into a MOOC: a LouvainX Experience. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Derval, G., Gego, A., Reinbold, P., Frantzen, B., & Van Roy, P. (2015, May). Automatic grading of programming exercises in a MOOC using the INGInious platform. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
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- Pellissa Prades, G., Palau, J., Castell Granados, P., de Callataÿ, G., & Moureau, S. (2015, May). An Unconventional MOOC as a Solution for Short Budgets and Young Researchers in Europe. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Soares-Frazao, S., Zech, Y., Gratiot, N., & Meunier, F. (2015, May). Collaborative MOOCs: a challenging experience. Paper presented at the EMOOCs conference (Mons, Belgium).
- Hamonic, E., Reuchamps, M., Schiffino, N., Legrand, V., & Baudewyns, P. (2015, January). From a Written Culture to a Digital Culture, How MOOCs Can Change the Way We Teach Political Science. Paper presented at the APSA (American Political Science Association) Teaching and Learning Conference (Washington DC, USA).
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