edX Training in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)

This May 21st, the edX Course Author Training was held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. A first time on the European area!

50 faculty and MOOC support team members from 13 edX partners were hosted by the Louvain moocXperience team, at University of Louvain. A wide and diverse audience in countries (India, Australia, Irland, The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium...), profiles (faculty members, teachning assistants, computing experts, video teams...) and experiences (beginners and experienced MOOC authors).

A rich networking day!


Ildi Morris opens the training event

Ildi Morris opens the training event

A large worldwide audience

A wide and international audience

A share of practices panel

A sharing of practices panel animated by Mark Rudnick

A hands-on session to master the Studio software

A hands-on session for beginners with the software Studio