Archives for IRES
June 27, 2017
Macro Lunch - Arnaud Herault
Arnaud Herault
(Université d'Angers)
will give a presentation on
Occupational choices and network effects: Evidence from France
Click to know more June 21, 2017
Rencontre avec Isabelle Cassiers
Le Pr. Isabelle Cassiers sera à la Librairie Pax pour une rencontre autour de son livre Vers une société post-croissance: Intégrer les défis logiques, économiques et sociaux.
Click to know more June 20, 2017
Macro Lunch - Federico Curci
Federico Curci
(Universidadd Carlos III de Madrid)
will give a presentation on
Flight from urban blight: crime and suburbanization in the U.S.
Click to know more June 15, 2017
UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Murat Iyigun
Murat Iyigun
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
will give a presentation on
Why Wait ? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles
Abstract :
We document that, over the 20th century, age at first marriage followed a U-shaped pattern, while the gender education gap...
Click to know more June 13, 2017
Macro Lunch - Geert Goeyvaerts
Geert Goeyvaert and Sven Damen
will give a presentation on
Improve, move or wait under the same roof. A dynamic model with underwater mortgages
Click to know more