Archives for IRES
October 19, 2017
UCLouvain Economics Seminar : Katja Kaufmann - CANCELLED
Katja Kaufmann
(University of Mannheim)
will give a presentation on
Gender Peer Effects, Non-cognitive Skills and Marriage Outcomes: Evidence from Single-sex Schools in the UK
Abstract :
In this paper we analyze the longrun effects of single-sex schooling on...
Click to know more From 17 to 18/10/2017
Elite Human Capital and the Road to Modernity: The East...
La révolution industrielle en Europe a provoqué une transformation économique et sociale jamais connue dans aucune société depuis la Révolution néolithique. Ce qui s'est passé vers 1800 était profondément enraciné dans l'histoire. Beaucoup d'auteurs ont recherché les causes profondes de la...
Click to know more October 17, 2017
Macro Lunch : Guzmán Ourens
Guzmán Ourens
(UCLouvain, IRES)
will give a presentation on
Uneven Growth in the Extensive Margin: Explaining the Lag of Agricultural Economies
Click to know more October 05, 2017
UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Catherine Guirkinger
Katja Kaufmann
(University of Mannheim)
will give a presentation on
Gender peer effects, non-cognitive skills and marriage outcomes: Evidence from single-sex schools in the UK
Abstract :
In this paper we analyze the longrun effects of single-sex schooling on individuals’ marriage market...
Click to know more October 03, 2017
Macro Lunch - Andras Gregor
Andras Gregor
(CORE, UCLouvain)
will give a presentation on
Public finances under plurality and proportional electoral systems - Evidence from Hungarian municipalities
Click to know more