Archives for INGI

Industrial Seminar Computer Science

Enterprise Content Management by Ronny Timmermans, Xenit Unstructured or semi-structured content like documents, email and multimedia represent more than 80% of all information in any typical enterprise. Open Source ECM systems manage big documents in the era of big data. Creating an...
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INGI Seminar

Novel Pattern Mining Techniques for Genome-wide Association Studies by Hoang Son Pham, Post-Doc UCLouvain Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are designed to discover single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) combinations associated with diseases. Once new genetic associations are...
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INGI Seminar

"Tell Me How You Move, I Will Tell You Who You Are: Latest Advances in Location Privacy Protection Mechanisms" by Sonia Ben Mokhtar, LIRIS/INSA Lyon. The widespread adoption of continuously connected smartphones and tablets drove the adoption of mobile applications, among which many use...
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INGI seminar

Reasoning About a Machine with Local Capabilities - Provably Safe Stack and Return Pointer Management by Dominique Devriesse, KUL Capability machines provide security guarantees at machine level which makes them an interesting target for secure compilation schemes that provably enforce...
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ICTEAM - Public Thesis defense - Antoine CAILLIAU

Software Requirements Engineering: A Risk-Driven Approach Requirements Engineering (RE) is concerned with t he elicitation, evaluation, specification, analysis and evolution of the requirements on a software-intensive system. Risk analysis at RE time aims at an ticipating adverse conditions...
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