Martin Corley
(University of Edinburgh)

Much of my research centres on errors in speech: how do errors come about? What do they tell us about the processes involved in speaking? Are listeners sensitive to speech disfluencies, and if they are, what use can they make of them? I am part of the Edinburgh Disfluency Group, which includes people from Edinburgh and Queen Margaret Universities, as well as the odd member or visitor from further afield. I am a member of the Language, Cognition and Communication Group in the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. I also have links with the Psychological Imaging Laboratory at the University of Stirling. (source)
Selected Publications:
- 2016 - Effects of disfluency in online interpretation of deception Loy, J., Rohde, H. & Corley, M. 17 Feb 2016 In : Cognitive Science.
- 2016 - Predicting form and meaning: Evidence from brain potentials Ito, A., Corley, M., Pickering, M., Martin-Nieuwland, A. & Nieuwland, M. Jan 2016 In : Journal of Memory and Language. 86, p. 157–171
- 2015 - Disfluencies in change detection in natural, vocoded and synthetic speech Dall, R., Wester, M. & Corley, M. 11 Aug 2015 Proc. of DiSS 2015, The 7th Workshop on Disfluencies in Spontaneous Speech. Edinburgh, 4 p.
Sandra Götz
(University of Giessen)

Sandra Götz obtained her PhD in English Linguistics with a dissertation on "Fluency in Native and Nonnative English Speech" in a joint univerity degree program between Justus Liebig University Giessen and Macquarie University Sydney in 2011, which was published with John Benjamins in 2013. Since then, she has been working as a senior lecturer in English Linguistics at Justus Liebig University, Giessen. Her main research interests include (learner) corpus linguistics and its application to language teaching and testing, applied linguistics and the despciption of fluency in ENL, ESL and EFL variants of English. Currently, she is the general secretary of the
Learner Corpus Association and the book review editor of the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research.
- Götz, Sandra (2013): Fluency in Native and Nonnative English Speech. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Callies, Marcus & Sandra Götz (eds) (2015): Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Dose, Stefanie, Sandra Götz, Thorsten Brato & Christiane Brand (eds) (2010): Norms in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, didactic and cultural perspectives - Normen in Educational Linguistics: Sprachwissenschaftliche, didaktische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Götz, Sandra (2015): "Tense and aspect errors in spoken learner language: Implications for language testing and assessment". In: Marcus Callies & Sandra Götz (eds), Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 191-215.
- Götz, Sandra (2015): "Fluency in ENL, ESL and EFL: A corpus-based pilot study". In: Robin Lickley (ed.), Proceedings of Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2015. An ICPhS Satellite Meeting. University of Edinburgh.
- Götz, Sandra (2013): "How fluent are advanced German learners of English (perceived to be)? Corpus findings versus native-speaker perception". In: Magnus Huber & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds), Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English: Focus on non-native Englishes. University of Helsinki: Varieng Electronic Series.
Helena Moniz
(Universidade de Lisboa)

Helena Moniz graduated in Modern Languages and Literature – Portuguese Studies, at Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon (FLUL), in 1998. She took a Teacher Training graduation course in 2000, also at FLUL. She was a high school teacher from 2000 to 2006. She received a Master’s degree in Linguistics at FLUL, in 2007, and a PhD in Linguistics at FLUL in cooperation with the Technical University of Lisbon (IST), in 2013. She has been working at INESC-ID since 2000, in several national and international projects involving multidisciplinary teams of linguists and speech processing engineers. (source)
Selected Publications:
- Helena Moniz, Fernando Batista, Ana Isabel Mata da Silva, Isabel Trancoso, Speaking style effects in the production of disfluencies, Speech Communication, vol. 65, pages 20-35, doi: 10.1016/j.specom.2014.05.004, November 2014
- Helena Moniz, Jaime Rodrigues Ferreira, Fernando Batista, Isabel Trancoso, Disfluency Detection Across Domains, In DISS 2015, Edinburgh, Scotlan, UK, August 2015
- Vera Cabarrão, Helena Moniz, Jaime Rodrigues Ferreira, Fernando Batista, Isabel Trancoso, Ana Isabel Mata da Silva, Sérgio dos Santos Lopes Curto, Prosodic Classification of Discourse Markers, In International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 2015
David Quinto-Pozos
(University of Texas Austin)

David's research focuses on signed languages, and his current work focuses on developmental signed language disorders, the interaction of language and gesture, and trilingual (Spanish-ASL-English) interpretation. He has also worked on register variation in ASL language contact between ASL and LSM. He has directed the American Sign Language (ASL) programs at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and currently directs the program at UT-Austin. He teaches courses on general linguistics, bilingual first language acquisition, and signed language linguistics. David is also a certified ASL-English interpreter and currently President of Mano a Mano, a national organization for trilingual (Spanish-English-ASL) interpreters. (source)
Selected Publications:
- Quinto-Pozos, D., & Parrill, F. (2015). Signers and co-speech gesturers adopt similar strategies for portraying viewpoint in narratives. TOPICS in Cognitive Science, 7. 12-35.
- Hilger, A.I., Loucks, T.M.J., Quinto-Pozos, D., & Dye, M.W.G. (2015). Second language acquisition across modalities: Production variability in adult L2 learners of American Sign Language. Second Language Research. 1-14.
- Quinto-Pozos, D. (Ed.) (2014). Multilingual aspects of signed language communication and disorder. Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters.
Quinto-Pozos, D., Singleton, J., Hauser, P., & Levine, S. (2014). A case-study approach to investigating developmental signed language disorders. In D. Quinto-Pozos (Ed.), Multilingual Aspects of Signed Language Communication and Disorder. Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters, LTD.
- Quinto-Pozos, D. (2014). Enactment as a (signed) language communicative strategy. In C. Müller, A. Cienki, E. Fricke, S. H. Ladewig, D. McNeill & S. Tessendorf (Eds.) Body – Language – Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. Volume 2. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter Mouton