PhD Student position - Alcohol dependence and alcoholic liver disease

Bruxelles Woluwe

10 janvier 2018

PhD Student position - Alcohol dependence and alcoholic liver disease



The laboratory of Hepato-Gastroenterology is seeking a PhD student to work on the pathophysiology of alcoholic liver disease in alcohol dependent patients. The principal objective of the PhD is to investigate the role of the gut and the intestinal microbiome in the development of alcoholic liver disease in humans (gutliver axis). The project is translational in nature in continuity with our previous work on the topic and takes a primarily a bedside to bench approach. This implies working with patients hospitalized in a dedicated alcohol withdrawal unit as well as in vitro and animal studies in the laboratory to support and clarify findings in the patient population.



The research group is located in the Institute of Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC) of the University of Louvain Medical School (UCL, Belgium) situated on the Brussels Campus close to the St. Luc University Hospital where the alcohol withdrawal unit is established.



  • A stimulating, internationally recognized research environment

  • High quality international collaborations

  • A location close to an international city center with multiple social and cultural activities

  • A 4 years PdD fellowship with a salary in accordance to standard Belgian regulations

  • Availability: immediate


  • A Master’s degree in biological, pharmaceutical, medical, bioengineering sciences or a related discipline

  • Good knowledge of the English language (knowledge of French constitutes an additional advantage)

  • Flexibility and a good capacity to integrate/work in a multidisciplinary research team


  • In French or English to be sent by e-mail to:

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Detailed academic results (with a publication list if applicable)

  • A cover letter explaining the research motivation

  • The names and details of two potential references


Prof. Peter Stärkel

Department of Hepato-Gastroenterology, St. University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 2 7642853; Email: