Project: The European Union: a bottom up view
Emic interpretations of decline along the Lower Danube (Bulgaria)
Base Camp Danube Km 727, Bulgaria, May – September 2018
Topic: ‘Is the Bulgarian North-west the poorest region in the European Union?’
Contacts: Prof. Yulian Konstantinov or Prof. Dr. Henrik Egbert
The Call invites participation in field-research activities seeking answer to the question: ‘Is
the Bulgarian North-west the poorest region in the EU?’. Our research agenda follows from
preliminary findings in the summer of 2017 (see below). They have prompted a need for open and
unbiased look at this question. We think that neither popular national assumptions of a proverbially
depressed region, nor EU statistics, should take a positive answer to this question for granted. Research
of this type will help participants to challenge existing notions of ranking regions, based on economic
indexes, as well as on popular assumptions.
the Bulgarian North-west the poorest region in the EU?’. Our research agenda follows from
preliminary findings in the summer of 2017 (see below). They have prompted a need for open and
unbiased look at this question. We think that neither popular national assumptions of a proverbially
depressed region, nor EU statistics, should take a positive answer to this question for granted. Research
of this type will help participants to challenge existing notions of ranking regions, based on economic
indexes, as well as on popular assumptions.
Key words
Bulgarian North-West; Lower Danube economies; EU subsidies; Roma communities;
major agri-businesses; biosemisosis
major agri-businesses; biosemisosis
Prof. Yulian Konstantinov, Bulgarian Society for Regional Cultural Studies & Prof. Dr.
Henrik Egbert, Department of Economics, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.
Henrik Egbert, Department of Economics, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.
The overall period of activities is from May until September 2018. A Base Camp of Bulgarian
Society for Regional Cultural Studies at Danube Km 727, 16 km. downriver from the Danube port city
of Lom, will be continually functioning during this time. Individual researchers choose their own
fieldwork periods and sites. A time of more intensive research is planned in the first three weeks of
September 2018, when more researchers could be present at the camp.
Society for Regional Cultural Studies at Danube Km 727, 16 km. downriver from the Danube port city
of Lom, will be continually functioning during this time. Individual researchers choose their own
fieldwork periods and sites. A time of more intensive research is planned in the first three weeks of
September 2018, when more researchers could be present at the camp.
We propose a data-synthesizing seminar at Villa Pomodiana (Km 725), near the village
Stanevo, coinciding with the beginning of the grape-harvest on 16-18 September 2018.
Stanevo, coinciding with the beginning of the grape-harvest on 16-18 September 2018.
Information about previous research
Results of the Pilot study (May to September 2017) can be
viewed on ResearchGate under the project: “The European Union: a bottom up view—Emic
interpretations of decline along the Lower Danube (Bulgaria)” (Yulian Konstantinov, Henrik Egbert).
viewed on ResearchGate under the project: “The European Union: a bottom up view—Emic
interpretations of decline along the Lower Danube (Bulgaria)” (Yulian Konstantinov, Henrik Egbert).
Financial matters
The events of Summer ’17 were self-funded. The infrastructure of Danube Camp
Km 727 was taken care of by Yulian Konstantinov. The organizers acknowledge the fact that it will be
difficult for students and young researchers to engage in fieldwork for greater periods within such an
arrangement. The infrastructural management of the camp so it can take more people is also a
challenge. For such reasons, the organizers will make an attempt for raising research funding to help
participants with travel expenses and daily costs, as well as for help towards improving living
conditions at Camp 727. Having said this, we would advise all interested researchers to also seek
individual funding for support of their individual sub-projects whenever possible.
Km 727 was taken care of by Yulian Konstantinov. The organizers acknowledge the fact that it will be
difficult for students and young researchers to engage in fieldwork for greater periods within such an
arrangement. The infrastructural management of the camp so it can take more people is also a
challenge. For such reasons, the organizers will make an attempt for raising research funding to help
participants with travel expenses and daily costs, as well as for help towards improving living
conditions at Camp 727. Having said this, we would advise all interested researchers to also seek
individual funding for support of their individual sub-projects whenever possible.
Camp 727
.Living conditions and health issues: Researchers are invited to spend any length of time
at the Camp. The only condition is they inform Yulian well in advance – ideally, by May next year.
The Camp offers basic living conditions in tents. Water for general purposes is pumped out of the
river, bottled mineral water is supplied for drinking. There is a motor-boat and two rowing boats, a 4x4
SUV, electric generator. There has been stable internet/ GSM connection all through the summer.
There are good opportunities for sharing in net and rod fishing, as well as in canoeing to nearby
villages or going by motor-boat to locations upriver.
at the Camp. The only condition is they inform Yulian well in advance – ideally, by May next year.
The Camp offers basic living conditions in tents. Water for general purposes is pumped out of the
river, bottled mineral water is supplied for drinking. There is a motor-boat and two rowing boats, a 4x4
SUV, electric generator. There has been stable internet/ GSM connection all through the summer.
There are good opportunities for sharing in net and rod fishing, as well as in canoeing to nearby
villages or going by motor-boat to locations upriver.
CAUTION! Participants staying at the Camp should be prepared to share out-of-doors rugged lifestyle as practiced by the majority of Danube villagers and fishermen. People with allergies, particularly
as regards blood-sucking and stinging insects (wasps, etc.) should take the necessary precautions.
Wildlife’s presence can be intense at times, but no accidents with wild animals have been recorded
ever since the beginning of this camp back in 1976.