16 March 2017
Introduction by Jan Driessen (UCLouvain) & Joachim Bretschneider (UGent)
First Session: Modern Perspectives
Yannis Hamilakis (Brown University): A Migration Crisis? Displacement, materiality, and experience
Second Session: Literary sources
Robert Garland (Colgate College): The Theme of Forced Migration in Livy Books 1-5
Third Session: Regional Perspectives: The Aegean
Stéphanie Martin (University of Arizona): Relocation Decisions during Forced Movement Events
17 March 2017
Fourth Session: Regional Perspectives: The East
Alexander Pruss (Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz): The Amuq Region in the Early Iron Age
Fifth Session: Regional Perspectives: The South
Shirly Ben Dor Evian (Israel Museum, Jerusalem & Tel Aviv University): Egyptian Historiography on the Mobility of (Sea) People at the End of the Late Bronze Age