Atiqul Haq Shah Md.
Are fertility preferences related to perception of climate change and extreme weather events in Bangladesh? A comparative study
Promoteur : Schoumaker Bruno (UCL), Bartiaux Françoise (UCL)
Financement : FNRS
Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to climate change and many people in this country are vulnerable to the adverse impacts of extreme weather events. My project aims to explore how people living in areas prone to extreme events such as floods, cyclones, and drought perceive about climate change and climate change impacts. This project also tries to explore how climate change perception varies with different extreme weather events and its relationship with fertility decision. This study proposes to compare the variations of fertility decisions with the impacts of different extreme events in Bangladesh. This project enhances a comprehensive and multidisciplinary understanding of Bangladeshi people representations on climate change and their perception about the impacts of climate change on fertility decision.
Carpentier Sarah
LIMA – Aspirations personnelles et des processus d’adaptation: comment le cadre légal influence l’agentivité des migrants ?
Promoteur : Schoumaker Bruno (UCL)
Financement : ARC
Ce projet s'étend de 2015 à 2020 et réunit des juristes, des sociologues et des démographes pour étudier les aspirations, le développement du parcours de vie, la satisfaction de la vie et la capacité d'agentivité des primo-arrivants en Belgique dans une perspective holistique. Le projet examine les possibilités offertes par le cadre juridique pour développer les aspects de la vie susmentionnés, ainsi comme il ressort des entretiens qualitatifs, des données administratives longitudinales et des données d'enquête liées. Théoriquement, le projet mobilise des idées à partir de l'approche des capacités, de la perspective du parcours de vie et des droits de l'homme pour contourner une approche empirique des moyens et des catégories de risques fixes. Le projet de recherche postdoctorale de Sarah Carpentier vise à développer des mesures pour le développement du parcours de vie et des libertés dans les années qui suivent l'arrivée des migrants sur la base de données administratives et d'enquêtes liées. Comme la carrière socio-économique peut jouer un rôle d'ouvre-porte pour le développement du parcours de vie, l'étude commence par l'examen des carrières socio-économiques. La stabilité, la volatilité et la mobilité dans les carrières socio-économiques des migrants ayant différents statuts légaux à l'entrée sont étudiées. En outre, le projet examine comment la stabilité, la volatilité et la mobilité sont vécues subjectivement et liées aux aspirations.
Kim Younga
Women’s Retirement Intentions and Work-Family Life History
Promoter : Rizzi Ester (UCL)
Financement : MOVE-IN Louvain project cofunded by European Commission Marie Curie Actions
My project is to evaluate the effect of work-family life histories on retirement behaviors among women. This proceeds by comparing countries with different conditions of reconciliation between family life and work. By doing so, I involve the themes of ageing, gender and the relationship between the life course, work, and family life. The project comprises three papers. The first concerns the effects of work and family trajectories on retirement intentions: a comparison of 13 European countries. The second is about associations between women’s retirement intentions and the subsequent retirement behaviors in South Korea, by addressing the question of who makes their wishes come true. The third focuses on changes in women’s retirement intentions over time in Europe from 2004 to 2013.
Singh Akansha
Spatial modeling of child mortality at the district level in India
Promoter : Masquelier Bruno (UCL)
Financement : MOVE-IN Louvain project cofunded by European Commission Marie Curie Actions
Since the inception of the Millennium development goals, the world has cut both the rate and number of child deaths by more than one half. Though more than 6 million children under age five had still died in 2015 and half of these deaths have occurred in the six countries including India. India has the highest number of child deaths in the world, with significant regional variations within the country. Country-level estimates could well obscure spatial or socioeconomic inequalities in mortality that might well exceed intercountry differences. With decentralized planning, it has become inevitable to monitor child level mortality at the district level. Measuring district level child mortality in India is also important because of the fact that there is large interdistrict variation in the level of socioeconomic development and health care condition. Sample Registration System provides the estimates on infant and child mortality at the national level and for major states of India annually. However, very little is known about the long term changes in child mortality rate at the district level. This study aims to develop estimates of child mortality rate at the district level to describe trends in survival chances of child over the last few decades and examine the spatial pattern of child mortality risk in India. This study also purposes to assess the effect and contribution of health interventions, socioeconomic and demographic factors including fertility on child mortality at the district level and examine the heterogeneity of the relationship between major risk factors and child mortality.