Funded projects in the EU HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

Bruxelles Woluwe


eNOTICE - European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEntres

ConsortiumCoordinator - UCL/CTMA (Belgium), Campus Vesta APB (Belgium), Fire and Rescue Service of Seine et Marne (SDIS77) (France), Association pour la recherche et le développement des méthodes et processus industriels (ARMINES) (France), Umea Universitet (UMU) (Sweden), Fire Department Dortmund (FDDO) (Germany), University of Paderborn (UPB) (Germany), Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence Vyškov (JCBRND COE) (Czech Republic), Middle East Technical University (METU) (Turkey), University of Rome Tor Vergata and The Italian Joint NBC Defense School (UNITOV) (Italy), West Midlands Police, National CBRN centre (WMP) (UK), War Studies University, CBRN Defence Training Centre (WSU) (Poland), Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection (CNBOP-PIB) (Poland)

This project aims to build a dynamic, functional and sustainable pan European network of CBRN training centres, testing and demonstration sites (CBRN TC) strengthening capacity building in training and users-driven innovation and research, based on well-identified needs. We seek to better European preparedness, resilience and incident response to CBRN attacks and emerging threats through close multi- (stakeholders) and single-discipline (practitioners) interactions. This makes CBRN TC the perfect operational intermediary between all civilian and military CBRN actors, EU relevant bodies and policy-makers, as well as the best cradle for expansion of a CBRN network of professionals. Main pillars for the network and confidence building will be to pool and share resources, effective practices and lessons learned, to map and label EU CBRN TC based on their capabilities and specificities, and to use a dedicated web based information and communication platform for exchanges and dissemination. Rather than usual workshops that are of no interest for task-focused, busy practitioners, the CBRN TC network will organize joint activities, training and debriefing in well-adapted infrastructures, using real-life or simulated situations (e.g., field exercises, table top, serious gaming and simulations), with external partners, in order to foster the identification of genuine users’ needs with users-driven technological solutions. This network will also benefit to national and EU CBRN projects, thereby expanding network scope and size, fast-tracking innovations and dissemination. Whilst using efficiently investments made across Europe in demonstration, testing, and training facilities for practitioners, this novel concept will issue meaningful users-guided recommendations to the EU R&D programme, enhance CBRN product performance and competitiveness, and decrease EU market fragmentation. Only such an interactive and collaborative approach is expected to reach long term sustainability.


Logo Encircle

ENCIRCLE - European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster

Consortium: Coordinator - UCL/CTMA (Belgium), BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd (United Kingdom), OUVRY SAS (OUVRY) (France), Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów (PIAP) (Poland), Tecnoalimenti (TCA) (Italy), Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna (WAT) (Poland), European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRI) (Germany), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) (Italy), Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS) (France), Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Policlinico Gemelli Hospital (UCSC) (Italy), FALCON COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (FALCON) (United Kingdom), Smiths Detection Watford Limited (SMITHS) (United Kingdom), MIKKELIN KEHITYSYHTIO MIKSEI OY (MIKSEI) (Finland), ENVIRONICS OY (EOY) (Finland), CBRN UK (CBRN-UK) (United Kingdom)

To improve its resilience to new CBRN attacks and threats, the EU needs a specialized, efficient and sustainable industry, competitive on a less fragmented EU market and globally. Capitalizing on its experience in the EDEN Demonstration Project, in other CBRN relevant projects, and in the CBRN market and supply chain, the ENCIRCLE consortium proposes an innovative approach to reach this goal in a short to long term perspective so that SMEs and large industries can propose and invest in the best innovations on the market.

This approach results in 5 objectives aimed at prompting the innovation and business development, and filling market gaps in the project timeframe:

  1. Create an open and neutral EU CBRN cluster,
  2. Provide a sustainable and flexible vision and roadmap for the development of the European CBRN market and innovations,
  3. Provide integration with platforms (systems, tools, services, products) by proposing standardized interfaces and future EU standards to integrate CBRN technologies and innovations developed from the Part b projects,
  4. Support CBRN safety, security and defence commercial and market services,
  5. Improve and facilitate European CBRN dissemination and exploitation.

The project will be conducted by a consortium of specialized industries, trade associations and research organisations with flexible and lean procedures under the advice of the EC Community of Users. It will rely on two large interactive communities: practitioners and customers, and industrial and technological providers, the latter including many SMEs. To optimize the needs and gaps assessment and the innovation development, acceptance and success, ENCIRCLE will establish formal links with other consortia such as the future Part b projects.

The main expected impact is to enhance the EU CBRN industry competitiveness and enlarge its market while increasing the benefits of the EU research and innovation to improve CBRN preparedness, response, resilience and recovery efficiency.


Logo Reaching Out

REACHING OUT - demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU

Industry: Airbus Defence and Space SAS (AIRBUS) (France) (Coordinator), Astri Polska Spolka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia (APL) (Poland), BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd (BAES) (United Kingdom), Selex ES Spa (SES) (Italy)SME’s : Atrisc (ATRISC) (France),  LDI Innovation OU (LDI2) (Estonia), Rinicom Limited (RINI) (United Kingdom), Eureka Comunicazione Telematica srl (EUREKA) (Italy)
Institutes: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) (Italy), Austria Institut fur Europa und Sicherheitspolitik (AIES) (Austria)

Universities: Universitet I Agder (UIA) (Norway),  Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS)  (France),  Universita degli studi di Napoli Federicao II (UNINA) (Italy), Stockholms Universitet (SU) (Sweden),
End Users: Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) (Italy), UCL/CTMA, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB) (Germany), Magen David Adom In Israel (MDA) (Israel), Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours de la Haute-Corse (SDIS 2B) (France), Public Health England - Department of Health (PHE) (United Kingdom), Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) (France), Ministère de l’Intérieur (SDPTS) (France), Fédération Internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant Rouge – Shelter Research Unit (RCSRU) (Luxemburg),  Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENSL) (France), Ayuntamento de Madrid – civil protection (DGEPC) (Spain)
EU agency: European Union Satellite Centre (SATCEN) (Spain)
NATO/STO: Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (VTT) (Finland)

Effective EU support to a large external crisis requires new approaches. In response to this challenge and to identified user and market needs from previous projects, Reaching Out proposes an innovative multi-disciplinary approach that will optimize the efforts, address a wide spectrum of users and maximize market innovation success.

This approach results in six main objectives: to

(1.) Develop a Collaborative Framework, with distributed platforms of functional services,

(2.) Implement a flexible and open “collaborative innovation” process involving users and SMEs, suppliers, operators and research organisations,

(3.) Develop, upgrade and integrate 78 new connectable and interoperable tools,

(4.) Conduct 5 large scale demonstrations on the field:

  • Health disaster  in Africa (Epidemics in Guinea, with strong social and cultural issues);
  • Natural disaster  in a politically complex region and a desert environment (Earthquake in the Jordan Valley, led jointly by Jordan, Israel and Palestine);
  • Three global change disasters in Asia targeted at large evacuation and humanitarian support in Bangladesh (long lasting floods, huge storms and associated epidemics,), EU citizen support and repatriation in Shanghai (floods & storm surge), radiological and industrial disasters impacting EU assets in Taiwan (flash floods, landslides, storm surge and chemical and radiological disasters), supported and co-funded by local authorities.

(5.) Provide recommendations and evaluations for future legal and policy innovations. The project will be conducted under the supervision of senior end-users. It will be performed with flexible and proven procedures by a balanced consortium of users, industry, innovative SMEs, RTO and academia in the EU and the demonstration regions. The main expected impact is to improve external disaster and crisis management efficiency and cost-benefit and increase the EU visibility whilst enhancing EU industry competitiveness and enlarging the market.


Logo Pandem

PANDEM - Pandemic Risk and Emergency Management

Consortium: Coordinator - National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), IGS Consulting (United Kingdom), Public Health Agency of Sweden (FoHM), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) (Unite Kingdom), Public Health Agency of Sweden (FOHM), Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), UCL/CTMA, World Health Organization/EURO (WHO/EURO) (Switzerland)

The European Union (EU) faces a growing health security threat posed by pandemics due to the convergence of risk factors driving disease emergence, amplification and dissemination of pathogens with pandemic potential. Protecting the health and security of citizens in the EU in the face of these pandemic threats requires a coherent response by all stakeholders driven by effective pandemic risk management. PANDEM aim is to contribute to the reduction in the health, socio-economic and security consequences of future pandemics so that society will be better prepared at regional, national, EU and global level. PANDEM will assess current pandemic preparedness and response tools, systems and practice at national, EU and global level in priority areas including risk assessment and surveillance, communication and public information, governance and legal frameworks. PANDEM aims to identify gaps and improvement needs leading to the development of viable innovative concepts and analysis of the feasibility of a future demonstration project to strengthen capacity-building for pandemic risk management in the EU.

PANDEM specifically addresses the needs and priorities detailed in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme crisis management topic DRS-4. PANDEM will focus on the needs and requirements of users and first responders across the spectrum of pandemic risk management. PANDEM will bring together highly skilled and multi-disciplinary senior experts from the health, security, defence, microbiology, communications, information technology and emergency management fields. Given the cross-border and multi-sectoral context of the health and security challenge for building pandemic risk management capacity, a systems-based methodology will be applied and the final outcome will be developed for use in a pan-European setting.


Pandemic Generation Process