Thanks to the 3 agreements of mobility with excellent Flemish universities, the LSM students have the choice of spending an academic semester in Flanders.
This opportunity enables the students to live in immersion and improve considerably their Dutch skills. This immersion also better prepares them for the Belgian job market.
The admission requirements for these destinations are the same as for a regular exchange. However, there is a slight difference. The students must prove their B2 level in Dutch, instead of having an English language certificate, before their departure.
There are approximately 12 places available in this programme, but this may vary each year. The LSM International Service will confirm the exact number of places during the 1st semester of the academic year.
The Erasmus Belgica grants are also available to the students who apply for it (via the option « my mobility » on the student virtual desk).
Partner Universities
- Universiteit Antwerpen
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Universiteit Gent
- Hold a 180 credits Bachelor Degree in Economics and Management OR in Business Engineering OR in Commercial Engineering (long type degree level) OR hold any other 180 credits Bachelor Degree and have passed all the mandatory prerequisites courses OR hold a Bachelor Diploma of short type and have passed all the courses of the mandatory complementary module.
- Being registered in Annual Block 1 of Master in Management or Business Engineering
- Obligatory registration via the online form before the 30th of October.
- Minimum B2 level on the Dutch language certificate (Bachelor’s course, Wallangue test level).
- Application file with the Dutch language certificate and the destination choice in order of preference.
- Pass at least 55 ECTS of LSM Master’s course of your first year of master in the June session.
The process of the mobility programmes in Flanders operates in the same way as the regular exchanges. The information available to prepare and manage the exchange semester in Flanders can be found on the page « Before, During, After ».
Thanks to the framework agreement UCL/KULeuven, LSM students can choose up to 3 KULeuven courses equivalent to those of LSM.
- Visit the webpage list of Master's offers in order to make a choice of Master level courses (max. 3 courses).
- Contac the "Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen" (FEB), or, in order to verify if you can participate.
- Fill in the form and return to
in order to be validated and sent to the FEB.
- Register as student in interuniversity mobility at KULeuven (please provide your authorization of registration from FEB).
To follow courses on the Brussels campus, please follow the same procedure but contact
The deadline for course registration at the KULeuven is October 12, 2016 for the 1st semester courses and February 22, 2017 for the 2nd semester courses. Please also do respect the course registration deadlines attributed by LSM.