27 mars 2014
28 mars 2014
(Left to right) Prof J.-S. Bergé (Lyon 3 –organizer), Prof F. Zapater (Dean of Autonoma), Prof M. Gardenes (Autonoma, Organizer), Prof S. Francq (UCL, Organizer)
Seminar n° 1 – Barcelona : European PIL – National and International Law
27 / 28 March 2014
Coordination :
Jean-Sylvestre BERGÉ (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)
Stéphanie FRANCQ (Université catholique de Louvain)
Miguel GARDEÑES SANTIAGO (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
A demonstration of the existence of European private international law is no longer necessary. However, the question of the place of European private international law in a more globalised legal order, i.e. the difficult but crucial theme of reconciling European private international law to the legal frameworks that preceded it at national, international and European level, has been largely neglected to date.
The aim of this research program is to remedy this situation by holding discussions in different locations in Europe (Lyon – Barcelona – Louvain), bringing together European specialists in private international law or European law and doctoral or post-doctoral students.
For this first seminar in Barcelona (a second seminar will take place in Louvain-La-Neuve, 5/6 June 2014), two main themes will be tackled:
1. Reconciling European private international law with (substantial and procedural) national and international frameworks;
2. Reconciling European private international law with private international law applicable in relationships with countries outside the EU.
Thursday, 27th March (venue: Sala de Juntas, Faculty of Law)
15:00 to 15:30: inauguration of the seminar and welcome address by the Dean of the Faculty.
15:30 to 17:00: opening session, chaired by Professor Blanca Vilà Costa (Catedrática of private international law at the UAB, at present national expert at the DG Justice of the European Commission).
Pietro Franzina, Associate Professor of international law, University of Ferrara, The competence of the European Union regarding the Administration, including the Denunciation, of International Conventions concluded by Member States.
Albert Font i Segura, Profesor Titular of private international law at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), Some Basic Issues in the Future Application of the Regulation on Succession: Characterization, Territorial Conflict of Laws and Ordre Public.
Guillermo Palao Moreno, Catedrático of private international law, University of Valencia, Enforcement of Foreign Mediation Agreements within the EU.
First workshop: Reconciling European Private International Law with (Substantial and Procedural) National and International Frameworks
17:30 to 19:00: first session of the first workshop
Maria Asunción Cebrián Salvat, Doctoral candidate, University of Murcia, Agency and Distribution Contracts: National Rules v. European Private International Law.
Michaël Da Lozzo, Doctoral candidate, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, European Private International Law to the Test of National Overriding Mandatory Rules.
Josep Suquet Capdevila, Doctor by the UAB, On-line Mediation in the Consumer Field: a Comparative Analysis of Catalan, Spanish and European Legal Instruments.
Friday, 28th March (venue: Sala de Vistas, Faculty of Law)
9:30 to 11:30: second session of the first workshop
Nicolas Kyriakides, Doctoral candidate, Oxford University, European Account Preservation Order: what does the Common Law Tradition have to say?
María Teresa Solís Santos: Doctoral Candidate, University of Extremadura, Cross Border Creditor’s Protection. The Future European Account Preservation Order.
Verona Tió, Doctoral candidate, University of Barcelona, Judicial Powers over Penalty Clauses and Proceedings followed before an English Court.
Céline Moille, Doctor, University of Lyon 3, Issues of Articulation between European Private International Law and National and International Systems relating to Sale of Goods.
Second workshop: Reconciling European Private International Law with Private International Law Applicable in Relationships with Countries outside the EU
12:00 to 13:30: first session of the second workshop.
Céline Camara, Doctoral candidate, Researcher at the Max-Planck Institute, Discrimination against Third State Nationals in Regulation 2201/2003 “Brussels II bis”.
Huang Zhang, Doctoral candidate at the UAB, The New Lis Pendens Regime in the Regulation Brussels I and the Challenge Met by Chinese Jurisdiction.
Eduardo Álvarez Armas, Doctoral candidate, Catholic University of Louvain, International Jurisdicion over Third-country Polluters: a Trojan horse to the EU’s Environmental Policy?
16:00 to 17:30: second session of the second workshop.
Jayne Holliday, Doctoral candidate, University of Aberdeen, Reconciling the EU Succession Regulation with the Private International Law of the UK.
Nicolo Nisi, Doctoral candidate, University of Bocconi, The European Insolvency Regulation and the External World.
Clara Isabel Cordero Álvarez, Doctor, Assistant Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, Contracts between EU Consumers and Third Country Businesses: the Evolution of EU Private International Law.
17:45 to 18:15: closing conference by Pedro Alberto De Miguel Asensio, Catedrático of private international law at the Complutense University of Madrid, The Amendment of the Brussels I Regulation (Recast) and the Unified Patent Court Agreement.
With the participation of :
Rafael ARENAS GARCIA, Catedrático, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Christine BIDAUDGARON, Maître de conférences, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 ; Marc FALLON, Professeur, Doyen, Université catholique de Louvain ; Albert FONT SEGURA, Profesor titular, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ; Pietro FRANZINA, Associate Professor, Universita di Ferrara ; Estelle GALLANT, Maître de conférences, Université de Paris 1 ; Josep GRÀCIA CASAMITJANA, Avocat, Secrétaire Général de la Chambre de Commerce de Manresa, Professeur associé de droit international privé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Pedro DE MIGUEL, Catedrático, Universidad Complutense de Madrid ; Cyril NOURISSAT, Professeur, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 ; Milagros OROZCO HERMOSO, Avocat, Professeur associé de droit international privé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Guilermo PALAO MORENO, Catedrático, Universitat de València ; Sylvaine POILLOT-PERUZZETTO, Professeur, Université de Toulouse 1 – Capitole ; Lukas RASS-MASSON, Member of the Permanent Bureau, Hague Conference on Private International Law ; Lídia SANTOS ARNAU, Profesora Titular de droit international privé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ;Blanca VILÀ COSTA, Catedrática, Seconded National Expert, DG Justice, European Commission.