05 décembre 2017
Salle Dabin - Faculté de droit

Public : Doctorants et chercheurs, sur inscription.
Dans le cadre du Louvain Global College of Law, le CeDIE (Chaire de droit européen) et le Creco accueillent le Professeur Elizabeth Anker (Cornell) du 4 au 8 décembre 2017.
En collaboration avec la Faculté de Philosophie, Arts et Lettres (Prof. Geneviève Fabry et Hubert Roland).
« Law and literature » represents one of the original sites of interdisciplinary teaching and scholarship, and it continues to flourish in the academy today. This seminar will examine the history as well as contemporary importance of research in law and literature. Law and literature emerged as a movement in the 1970s and 80s, alongside law and economics. Since, it has become institutionalized in both courses and scholarship, within law schools and humanities fields. While canvassing the range of topics and methods characteristic of work in law and literature, this seminar will also discuss a number of new directions and innovative approaches in the field. In particular, it makes a case of the relevance of law and literature to matters of social justice in an increasingly globalized world.