07 novembre 2017
Collège J. Leclercq
Younga Kim, Ester Rizzi (DEMO, UCL), Earlier women’s orientations toward work-family and retirement intentions in 13 European countries
à 12h45, au LECL 61
Comparative research on the association between women’s earlier work-family orientations and their retirement intentions is scare. Are variations in women’s retirement intentions associated with their different family life events and employment trajectories? If so, how different institutional conditions for mothers’ labor market attachment over the life course mediate this relation? Using the first 3 waves of Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, 2004-2009, two-level random effects models with country-level fixed effects show that work oriented careers of mothers determine late retirement intentions, as work attachment theory explains the delayed actual retirement among work attached women. Contrary to actually delayed retirement of women with part-time careers, longer labor force attachment increases the probability of having intentions to retire early both for full-time and part-time basis. The effect of work-oriented careers on late retirement intentions is weaker in countries with relatively higher reconciliation support.