Lovanium Seminar in Ethics and Public Policy

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Un séminaire de troisième cycle, Ethics and Public Policy Seminar, est organisé en collaboration entre l'UCL et la KULeuven.

Lovanium Seminar in Ethics and Public Policy
Utopian Thinking and Public Policy

Frank Vandenbroucke (KU Leuven), Toon Vandevelde (KU Leuven), Philippe Van Parijs (UCL)

This seminar jointly organized by the UCL and the KU Leuven focuses on a special theme that changes from year to year. In takes place on four Fridays in each semester, from 10.30 am to 5pm, alternatively in Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve. In the first semester, it hosts guest speakers from various relevant disciplines. In the second semester, it consists in a presentation and discussion of papers by the students who take the course for credit.
Past themes include global justice, migration, justice and democracy, the ethical limits of the market, justice in health care, the neutrality of the state, exploitation, discrimination and exclusion, social justice in the European Union, varieties of federalism and their philosophical justifications, justice between genders, ethnic groups and generations.


Publié le 21 décembre 2015