Call for Participation in Field Research

Project: The European Union: a bottom up view

Emic interpretations of decline along the Lower Danube (Bulgaria)
Base Camp Danube Km 727, Bulgaria, May – September 2018
Topic: ‘Is the Bulgarian North-west the poorest region in the European Union?’

<Camp 727-Facing the Romanian side.jpg>

Contacts: Prof. Yulian Konstantinov or Prof. Dr. Henrik Egbert

CAUTION! Participants staying at the Camp should be prepared to share out-of-doors rugged lifestyle as practiced by the majority of Danube villagers and fishermen. People with allergies, particularly
as regards blood-sucking and stinging insects (wasps, etc.) should take the necessary precautions.
Wildlife’s presence can be intense at times, but no accidents with wild animals have been recorded
ever since the beginning of this camp back in 1976.


Publié le 05 février 2018