03 juillet 2018
from 1:40pm to 5:25pm
Socrate 11, Collège Mercier, Place du Cardinal Mercier 14
This event is part of the 8th SoPhA Congress (2-5 July)
Speakers are:
1. Eva-Maria Schäfferle, Université Grenoble-Alpes and Goethe University Frankfurt :"Citizens, Non-Citizens and In-Between: Transnational Citizenship and the Boundaries of the Demos"
2. Florian Grosser, Santa Clara University and University of California, Berkeley: "Political Membership under Conditions of Migration: Hannah Arendt on Citizens,
Residents, and Habitants"
Residents, and Habitants"
3. Mark Sivarajah, University of Bristol: "Citizenship, Non-Citizenship and Migration"
4. Thierry Ngosso, University of St.Gallen and Andreas Oberprantacher, University of Innsbruck: "Refugees vs. Migrants ? Critical Notes on a Popular, but Problematic Distinction"
5. Zsolt Kapelner, Central European University: "Sanctuary Cities, Citizenship and the Right to Belong"