Help (English version)


How to use the library?


  • You can access the library with your UCL smartcard This card identifies you as a student of the University and you need to bring it along every time you visit the Library
  • Opening hours and staffed service hours. Occasionally, service hours are subject to change (please check on Facebook).
  • Who’s who (in French)
  • General library rules (in French)


All of the books including reference books, are arranged according to the NLM classification for Health Science collections and Library of Congress for other subjects.

Classification example : the book Bariéty Jean, Capron Loïc, Grateau Gilles, Sémiologie clinique , Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier, 2009
WB143 B252S means : WB : Practice of Medicine      143 to 293 : Diagnostic    B : Bariéty 


The Library Periodicals Collection includes print and electronic journals. The printed journal collection is available prior to 2013 and shelved from 2000-2013 in the reading room. Prior to 2000, ask at the library desk.
From 2013 onwards all journals are only available in electronic version. Periodicals are shelved alphabetically by title. Periodicals cannot be borrowed from the Library as they are for reference use only.

They can be found in the Catalogue by entering the journal title.


The University Library offers a wide range of paper and electronic collections that can be searched with one query in Libellule OPAC. To check if the Library has the book you want, use the Library Catalogue. It lists all the books that are available in the Library, and can be accessed on the Library PC’s, university PC's and from home if you have internet access (Proxy link). The catalogue will tell you if the book is available in the Library and whether or not the book is checked out.

Connect on Libellule OPAC page

  • Outside UCL, remote access to full text collections. Top right, clic on the link  « Accès à distance ? Utiliser le Proxy»  - UCL identifier and password (UCL smartcard password - same as for your 
  • Databases => By Subject => clic on “sciences de la santé” => alphabetical list of databases in health sciences  (full text subscriptions) 

You can always contact the library staff for help with your library research. Lectures can be given in English. Please contact us


Digital Repository repository of scientific publications by UCL.

LIBRARY LOAN (and reservation)

  • Borrowing an item is only possible at the library desk with your UCL smartcard
  • 5 books for 14 days (you may renew 7 days, 2 times)
  • You're responsible for everything borrowed with your card. Once you have an item on loan check your Library Account (My Account) to see when it is due for return.
  • Remember that other users can request an item you have borrowed, this may change the loan period.
  • Overdue : 0,50 EUR (by day and book) - contact Desk (02 764 50 60 –speek slowly) or Raymonde Charlier - 02 764 50 65
  • Loss or damage of library materials In the event of damage or loss of library materials all costs will be recovered from the users, administration cost included. (contact : Raymonde Charlier - 02 764 50 65)
  • Help :
    • Library desk phone 02 764 50 60– speak slowly
    • The loan period of an item on loan can be extended. You can renew the loan period:
      • at the library desk
      • by phone. 02 764 50 60– speak slowly
      • online: My Account
    • You can request for reservation: online: My Account


The Interlibrary Loan Service offers you the possibility to request for items that our library doesn’t hold but are available in other libraries’s collections.

  • You're responsible for everything borrowed with your card. Once you have an item on loan check your Library Account (My Account) to see when it is due for return.
  • Remember that other users can request an item you have borrowed, this may change the loan period.
  • Overdue : 0,50 EUR (by day and book) - contact library desk (02 764 50 60 – speak  slowly) or Contact us - 02 764 50 68 (ILL Desk– speak  slowly)


You can order articles via the Inter Library Loan service. Library staff searches the article for you and orders it from one of the numerous providers we are working with.
Before submitting an interlibrary loan (ILL) request, please check carefully in the Libellule-catalogue that you do not order material already available at UCL.

Note that articles are normally delivered within 48 hours

  • 1. Identify the article you would like to order. Give complete reference of the article (author, title, source, pages)
  • 2. Do not forget to identify yourself! (Name, Unit, phone number, email)
  • 3. Prepay 7 euros at the library desk


In most libraries and pc rooms you will be able to print from a desktop computer. It is possible to scan or copy documents. Ask at the library desk

E-resources – Using computers…

UCL Welcom page - practical information - university life

Need help or advice with literature research ?

How to conduct a literature search  
PubMed Health for researchers


The University Library offers a wide range of paper and electronic collections that can be searched with one query in Libellule OPAC. To check if the Library has the book you want, use the Library Catalogue. It lists all the books that are available in the Library, and can be accessed on the Library PC’s, university PC's and from home if you have internet access (Proxy link). The catalogue will tell you if the book is available in the Library and whether or not the book is checked out.

Connect on Libellule OPAC page

  • Outside UCL, remote access to full text collections. Top right, clic on the link  « Accès à distance ? Utiliser le Proxy»  - UCL identifier and password (UCL smartcard password - same as for your 
  • Databases => By Subject => clic on “sciences de la santé” => alphabetical list of databases in health sciences  (full text subscriptions)
  • Library resources guide 2017 (How to ? Library resources, OPAC, Health databases, PubMed) - You can always contact the library staff for help with your library research. Contact us
  • Lectures can be given in English. Contact us

Developing a Research Question

Write a question - PICO

Write a question
The PICO acronym stands for P - patient, problem or population; I - intervention; C - comparison, control or comparator; O - outcome.



How to cite ?


EndNote and Word


