Bibliothèque d'architecture, d'ingénierie architecturale, d'urbanisme - Tournai
BAIU-T Tournai
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22 février 2018
Ouverture à 10h45 le 27 Février
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Nouvelles acquisitions
Hortitecture : The Power of Architecture and Plants / Grüntuch-Ernst, Almut,
Hortitecture : The Power of Architecture and PlantsGrüntuch-Ernst, Almut,Editeur: Jovis, 2018Cote de rangement: 729.6 HOR Résumé: Plantes et architecture: deux éléments apparemment opposés. Comment pouvons-nous les combiner pour planifier des villes futures plus proches de la nature? Quelles synergies pouvons-nous explorer? Hortitecture cherche à découvrir les potentiels de création et de construction de matériel végétal vital et explore ses applications dans les services écosystémiques et la production alimentaire urbaine. À travers des recherches aux carrefours de l'architecture, de la biologie et de la technologie, l'IDAS (Institut de stratégies de conception et d'architecture) explore ce sujet dans le but de transférer les connaissances acquises à la conception de bâtiments. Ce livre documente les projets, les idées et les expériences partagés par trente-trois experts internationaux lors de colloques tenus à la Technische Universität de Braunschweig. Leurs réflexions critiques font progresser la prise de conscience et l'expertise nécessaires pour développer une architecture urbaine basée sur la nature (Extr. éditeur). |
Spaces in architecture : areas, distances, dimensions / Bielefeld, Bert
Spaces in architecture : areas, distances, dimensionsBielefeld, BertEditeur: Birkhäuser, 2018Cote de rangement: 72.021.2 BIE Résumé: The design of a building is a complex process in which the architect develops spaces which are defined by a number of different parameters. The most important of these are space requirements, distances, furniture and fittings, and movement zones. From the dimensions of the human body it is possible to derive guide values for these reference sizes that make spaces comfortable to be in and to use. Spaces in Architecture is a useful reference work for students and designers for quickly looking up detailed information on space scenarios that occur in many different types of buildings. For example, the book lists all important dimensions for entrance areas, doors, staircases, ramps, and elevators. On the basis of this fundamental information it is possible to design buildings in terms of function and type. |
RE-USA : 20 American stories of adaptive reuse, a toolkit for post-industrial cities / Robiglio, Matteo
RE-USA : 20 American stories of adaptive reuse, a toolkit for post-industrial citiesRobiglio, MatteoEditeur: Jovis, [2017]Cote de rangement: 71(73) ROB Résumé: Based on best-practice examples in American cities such as Detroit, New York, or Pittsburgh, this book shows successful cases of adaptive reuse that preserve the legacy of the industrial past while turning it into a key ingredient for urban regeneration. An aquaponics farm in a former meatpacking facility or a freight train railroad converted into a linear park: these are just two successful examples of the creative and effective reuse of abandoned industrial infrastructure. Culture, leisure, sport, research, education, design, services, production, housing, and even agriculture regenerate former factory sites and upgrade cities economically and culturally. Eight steps guide the way through the process of adaptive reuse from choosing an existing site to the vision, design, and funding, and finally their implementation. Professionals, activists, decision-makers, as well as entrepreneurs and committed citizens worldwide are therefore provided with a practical toolkit to discovering the unused potential of their city. |
Japanese Creativity : Contemplations on Japanese Architecture / Edagawa, Yūichirō,
Japanese Creativity : Contemplations on Japanese ArchitectureEdagawa, Yūichirō,Editeur: Jovis Verlag, 2018Cote de rangement: 72(520) EDA Résumé: What lies at the root of Japanese creativity and its architectural artifacts? In his book, the Japanese architect Yuichiro Edagawa explores this question in detail. By analyzing a wide variety of unique exemplary buildings from the sixth century to the present, he determines twelve distinctive characteristics of Japanese architectural creativity and composition, including: intimacy with nature, importance of materials, bipolarity and diversity, asymmetry, devotion to small space, and organic form. The key understanding, which pervades all these characteristics, is that parts precede the whole. The Japanese process of creation begins with designing parts and details and ends with combining them to one edifice, instead of starting with a whole structure and working out the components afterwards. Edagawa provides a personal and comprehensive understanding of Japanese creativity and the architectural process. The book gives us an inspiring insight into Japanese culture and identity, which in its essence is deeply traditional and modern at the same time. |
Close-up : Ruch & Partner Architects 1994-2018 / Ruch, Hans-Jörg, - Wanner, Franz, - Simonetti, Filippo,
Close-up : Ruch & Partner Architects 1994-2018Ruch, Hans-Jörg, - Wanner, Franz, - Simonetti, Filippo,Editeur: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2018Cote de rangement: 72.07 RUC Résumé: In 2009, the book 'Historic Houses in the Engadin: Architectural Interventions by Hans-Jörg Ruch' brought the name and work of this Swiss architect to international attention. His new book, in equally opulent design and again lavishly illustrated, now documents the entire range of his achievements over nearly twenty-five years. His oeuvre comprises private houses and multi-unit residential buildings, public buildings such as museums or libraries, as well as infrastructure designs. A particular focus of the firm's work are the rebuilding and restoration of existing and in particular of historic buildings. |
Zollverein : World Heritage Site and Future Workshop / Marth, Hermann
Zollverein : World Heritage Site and Future WorkshopMarth, HermannEditeur: Jovis, 2018Cote de rangement: 725.4 ZOL Résumé: Since the instigation of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Emscher Park (1989-1999), the Ruhr area has been a pioneer for the transformation of large industrial areas. The beacon for this process is the disused coal mine and cokery Zollverein in Essen, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. The most significant industrial monument in Germany is now a tourist attraction, an economic hub, and at the same time an educational campus. This success is based on continuous urban planning that brings together listed existing structures and new ideas. The specially developed master plan by Rem Koolhaas (OMA) and the principle of 'preservation through reutilization' form the basis for all construction activities on the site. The developments of the last thirty years on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein are an answer to the question of how heritage protection can be aligned with the diverging aims of urban development, the creative industry, and architecture. This volume presents the individual projects that will be largely realized by 2018, and documents through text and images the successful metamorphosis of the former industrial site into an international best practice model for handling industrial. |
Intérieurs : espace, lumière, matériaux / Schittich, Christian
Intérieurs : espace, lumière, matériauxSchittich, ChristianEditeur: Detail, 2004Collection: En détail Cote de rangement: 69.05 SCH Résumé: De l'ambiance méditative d'une architecture sacrée puriste, jusqu'au mobilier aux formes organiques et colorées d'une boutique - l'aménagement d'un espace intérieur définit son atmosphère et lui confère son caractère individuel. En plus de la qualité de l'espace et du traitement de la lumière, le matériau utilisé, sa surface, sa texture et sa couleur régissent récriture de l'espace intérieur. Au cours des dernières années, le plaisir d'expérimenter dans le domaine du design et le choix des matériaux ont augmenté : les projets internationaux présentés dans ce livre laissent entrevoir la diversité des mises en scène possibles. Dans ce troisième volume de la collection "en DETAIL" les différents aspects du projet, du point de vue de la pièce et des matériaux mis en oeuvre, avec leurs qualités esthétiques propres et en fonction des programmes qu'ils peuvent servir, seront abordés et présentés à l'aide d'exemples pertinents. Tous les plans et les détails à grande échelle, qui permettent de comprendre les aménagements et la conception de mobilier, ont été établis et dessinés avec le plus grand soin par la rédaction de DETAIL. Les auteurs, spécialistes en la matière, permettent de replacer dans le contexte historique le vaste débat autour des aménagements intérieurs et les éléments de réponse qui en ont résulté. |
Interiors construction manual : integrated planning, finishings and fitting-out, technical services / Hausladen, Gerhard
Interiors construction manual : integrated planning, finishings and fitting-out, technical servicesHausladen, GerhardEditeur: Birkhäuser, 2010Cote de rangement: 69.05 HAU Résumé: Test Cover Image of: Interiors Construction ManualGerhard Hausladen and Karsten TichelmannInteriors Construction ManualIntegrated Planning, Finishings and Fitting-Out, Technical ServicesSeries: DETAIL Construction ManualsBirkhäuser 2010DOI: indispensable planning manual for interior constructionSoccer stadiums, airports, theaters, museums – it falls to very few architects to tackle spectacular building tasks like these. The everyday work of most architects is more often focused on "manageable" projects like the renovation, remodeling, or rebuilding of single- and multi-family houses, schools, and offices. Whatever the nature of the building task, interior construction is always a significant design and qualitative challenge that calls for highly detailed technical expertise. After all, it affects the realm that will be brought to life and utilized by the user when the task is finished, and whose aesthetic and functional serviceability will be put to the test each and every day. The Interior Construction Manual supports planners in their daily work as a practical planning aid and reference work with the relevant standards, guidelines, reference details, and constructional solutions, all illustrated by built example projects. It brings together the crucial facts on all aspects of interior construction and presents the key fundamentals of building physics, fire protection, interior construction systems, and openings. In addition, it offers concrete tips on integrated planning approaches, energy and sustainability issues, materials used in interior construction, hazardous substances, and dealing with building services and light planning.Constructional solutions, standards, guidelines, and reference details all in a single volume Uses built projects to present exemplary interior construction approaches. |
Modern concrete construction manual : structural design, material properties, sustainability / Peck, Martin - McKenna, Christina
Modern concrete construction manual : structural design, material properties, sustainabilityPeck, Martin - McKenna, ChristinaEditeur: 2014Collection: Detail Cote de rangement: 693.5 MOD |
Manual of Natural Stone : Modern Usage of a Classical Building Material / Schulz, Ansgar,
Manual of Natural Stone : Modern Usage of a Classical Building MaterialSchulz, Ansgar,Editeur: Detail 2019Cote de rangement: 691.2 SCH Résumé: Natural stone is one of the oldest building materials of all, and yet it still offers immense architectural potential. With the right expertise, architects can effortlessly fulfil contemporary requirements and create outstanding buildings – from solid to mixed constructions, and even curtain façades.Atlas Naturstein reveals planning principles for building with natural stone, and provides information on processing techniques and expansion details. Examples of real-world projects show how natural stone can be used in a variety of applications to create outstanding architecture. |