Archives for HOOVER
CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve
20 mars 2018
Mich: From equal worth to equality of opportunity:...
Adrien Lutz
Recent researches in history of political philosophy show how the spirit of equality in France after the revolution of 1789 was at the cornerstone of many streams of social thought opening the way to socialism and communism. Hence both doctrines – through the work of Saint-Simon...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 20 mars 2018
Mich: Do search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean...
Ali Emre Benli (LUISS, Hoover Fellow)
Do search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean advance justice? The European Union border regime was recently reformed in response to increases in arrivals and risky sea crossings carried out by immigrants and refugees. In this article, I investigate...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 15 mars 2018
Book in Progress #7 - Carl Knight
Leaving nothing to chance
The most prominent theory of distributive justice to have emerged since John Rawls’ justice as fairness is ‘luck egalitarianism’, which aims to accommodate considerations of individual responsibility within a theory of equality. The standard luck egalitarian view,...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 13 mars 2018
Mich: A human right to work?
Jesse Tomalty (Bergen)
The right to work is articulated in international human rights doctrine, notably in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. But what is the content of this right? And is its inclusion among...
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