Actualités du site hoover

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve

Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice, edited by...

Under what conditions (if any) can intellectual property rights be fair? Fourteen philosophers, lawyers and computer scientists try to answer the many facets of this question in a new book. (new in paperback)
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L'homme économique et le sens de la vie

Christian ARNSPERGER L'homme économique et le sens de la vie: Petit traité d'alter-économie Paris, Editions Textuel, collection "Petite encyclopédie critique"
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Procreative Responsibility and Population Size

ARC Workshop - April 25-26, 2013.
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Repenser la Belgique fédérale

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Linguistic justice for Europe and for the World

In Europe and throughout the world, competence in English is spreading at a speed never achieved by any language in human history. In this new book, Philippe Van Parijs asks whether this growing dominance of English is unjust and, if so, what should be done about it.
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