03 July 2017, auditoires Socrate, Place Cardinal Mercier, 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve.
"Grand Place" parking.
Practitioners and researchers will exchange views and learn from each other of topics related to social economy, such as public recognition of social enterprises, development cooperation, social economy mutation with digitalization, renewable energy cooperatives, social innovation and care, and social finance.
This forum will be followed by 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise
Organizing team : Géraldine Goffe, Andreia Lemaître, Rocio Nogales Marthe Nyssens,
Schedule of the day :
13h00 - 14h45 (workshop choice) :
Workshop 1 : Chair in Social and Solidarity Economy in the South: A dialogue between researchers and field actors (CIRTES UCL et Louvain Coopération) - Language : French
This session aims at discussing the lessons learned by the Chair’s two stake holders (PhD students and NGO staff) in this specific form of partnered research. Topics covered will be the opportunities but also the methodological and ethical challenges specific to this form of research. In this session, we will also discuss and consider ways for improvement for future partnered research.
President: Andreia Lemaître (CIRTES/DVLP, UCL)
Speakers: Vincent Henin (Louvain Coopération), Maria José Ruiz (CIRTES/DVLP, UCL), Maïté Kervyn de Lettenhove (CIRTES/DVLP, UCL), Andreia Lemaître(CIRTES/DVLP, UCL)
Workshop 2 : Cooperative energy: toward consumer engagement in the energy transition ? (EPFL, Lausanne ; Centre d’Économie Sociale, HEC, ULg ; Leuphana University of Lüneburg ; REScoop.eu) - Language : English
President: Thomas Bauwens (EPFL, Lausanne)
Speakers: Thomas Bauwens (EPFL), Lars Holstenkamp (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Dirk Vansintjan (president of REScoop.eu) or Stan d’Herbemont (project manager of REScoop.eu), Daan Creupelandt (coordinator of REScoop.eu), Josh Roberts (policy officer of REScoop.eu)
Workshop 3 : WISDOM : (Social innovation in field of elderly home care: The role of social entreprises): The elderly’s domicile: A space for social innovation? (CIRTES UCL) - Language : French
Ageing in place is a crucial issue in the long-term care debate and its related reforms all across Europe. This first WISDOM roundtable will present a set of social innovations supported by not-for-profit providers in the domiciliary eldercare in Wallonia. Researchers and field actors will discuss the kind of social approaches to health these initiatives refer to and, more fundamentally, what makes them social and innovative and to whom.
President: Caroline Jansen (Union des entreprises à profit social – UNIPSO)
Speakers: Marie-Claire Sépulchre (Fédération wallonne de services d’aide à domicile), Pierre Drielsma (Fédération des maisons médicales), Valentine Charlot et Caroline Guffens (“C’est ma vie !...et la maladie d’Alzheimer en fait partie” project, NPO Le bien vieillir), Jessica Arias (“Patient, soignants, aidant : une relation intégrée” project of the Centrale de services à domicile (CSD) Centre, Charleroi and Soignies / Protocole 3-INAMI), Martine Balthazar (“Maisons d’accueil communautaire” project, NPO Aide à domicile en milieu rural – ADMR), Annalisa Casini (CIRTES/IPSY, UCL), Olivier Schmitz (IRSS, UCL)
Workshop 4 : When is social finance social? (CIRTES UCL, Université de Rennes 1, CERMi ULB) - Language : French (english translation provided)
The workshop will gather together researchers and practitioners to discuss these questions. The former will offer an analytical framework that will be enriched and questioned by the latter on the basis of their ground experience and knowledge of the social finance sector. The theorization of social finance appears to be at its early stages. This workshop is aimed to bring a contribution towards this end.
President: Marek Hudon (CERMi, ULB)
Speakers: Amandine Albizzati (La Nef), Annika Cayrol (Réseau Financité), Simon Cornée (Université de Rennes 1), Bernard Horenbeek (Crédal et Vice-Président Febea), Sebastien Mortier (FairFin), Anaïs Périlleux (CIRTES, UCL), Frédéric Fourrier (Finansol), Triodos
15h15 - 17h00 (workshop choice) :
Workshop 5 : How to mobilize actors and researchers to foster social economy? The case of digitalization in the services sector (Concertes et CIRTES) - Language : French
President: Olivier Brolis (CIRTES, UCL)
Speakers: François Pichault (Lentic, ULg), Vincent Rialle (Université Grenoble Alpes), Denis Morrier (Atout EI), One member of CSD Liège (To be confirmed)
Workshop 6 : The future of renewable energy cooperatives in the European energy governance (EPFL, Lausanne ; Centre d’Économie Sociale, HEC, ULg ; Leuphana University of Lüneburg ; REScoop.eu) - Language : English
President: Benjamin Huybrechts (HEC, ULg)
Speakers: Daan Creupelandt (coordinator of REScoop.eu), Stan d’Herbemont (project manager of REScoop.eu), Benjamin Huybrechts (HEC-ULg), Josh Roberts (policy officer de REScoop.eu), Dirk Vansintjan (president of REScoop.eu) or Stan d’Herbemont (project manager of REScoop.eu)
Workshop 7 : WISDOM : (Social innovation in field of elderly home care: The role of social entreprises): Innovating care services: the challenges of socioeconomic viability and well-being at work (CIRTES) - Language : French (English translation provided)
Chair: Cécile de Préval (Union des entreprises à profit social – UNIPSO)
Speakers: Régis de Kerautem (ASBL Un toit deux âges), Marie-Laure Mercier et Cindy Joye (Maison médicale de Ransart), Claire de Kerautem (ASBL Un toit deux âges), Didier Dubois, Christelle Noel and Murielle Beguin (“Garde à Domicile Alzheimer” project, NPO Service Provincial (Namur) d’Aide Familiale – SPAF), Lucie Lacasse (“Lion Solidaire” project, Mutualité chrétienne du Brabant wallon), Ela Callorda Fossati (CIRTES, UCL), Rachida Bensliman and Céline Mahieu (CRISS,ULB)
Workshop 8 : Labels in social finance: opportunity or threat? (CIRTES UCL, CERMi ULB) - Language : French
President: Marek Hudon (CEB, ULB)
Speakers: Amandine Albizzati (La Nef), Triodos (To be confirmed), Annika Cayrol (Réseau Financité), Simon Cornée (Université de Rennes 1), Bernard Horenbeek (Crédal et Vice-Président Febea), Sebastien Mortier (FairFin), Anaïs Périlleux (CIRTES, UCL), Finansol:(To be confirmed)
17h30 - 19h00
6th EMES International Research Conference opening plenary: Social Enterprise for sustainable societies. From research to practice and back.
Jacques Grégoire, Vice-Chancellor of social sciences and humanities, UCL
Jean-Claude Marcourt, Minister of Economy,Industry, Innovation, Digital Economy and of Higher Education, Research and Media
Which Social Enterprises Models for Sustainable Societies? Dialogue between research and practice
Marthe Nyssens, UCL, EMES president
Jo Barraket, Centre for Social Impact Swinburne, Swinburne University of Technology
Marek Hudon, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Free University of Brussels
19h30 - 21h00
Welcoming cocktail
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