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Research Team Publications



Why are we studying eye movement?

To identify the location of disease development and to understand the brain function (motor control in general).

Research in ophthalmology within IoNS is composed of three major themes:

  • Oncology
    • Radiotherapy of intraocular tumors (melanoma, retinoblastoma).
  • Vision
    • Thyroid ophtalmopathy (EUGOGO);
    • Electrical stimulation optic atrophy (collaboration with Jean Delbeke, GREN);
    • Oculomotors disorders (working closely with the department of Neurology).
  • Strabismus
    • Strabismus (BSA);
    • Oculomotors disorders (working closely with the department of Neurology);
    • Recording eye movements (working closely with Philippe LEFEVRE, NEFY and CESAME).

A non-exhaustive list of our equipments is available here.


Principal investigators:
o Patrick DE POTTER, MD, PhD
o Antonella BOSCHI, MD
o Demet YUKSEL, MD, Ph
