Organisational structure


Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) encompasses currently 267 members:

  • 42 Academics scientifics;
  • 32 Clinical academics;
  • 28 Postdoctorante fellows;
  • 77 PhD students;
  • 28 Technical and administrative staff;
  • 17 Clinicians;
  • 11 Scientific collaborators.



The Council currently consists of 105 persons and its members gather once a year. Its missions are:

  • adopt the internal rules of the institute and its amendments, in compliance with the regulations within the University,
  • submit to the Sector Council proposals on mergers, divisions, modification or dissolution of the institute,
  • elect the president of the institute and the president of the Institute council,
  • fix the main directions of the Institute's research policy,
  • set the general guidelines of the Institute's budget,
  • appoint members of the academic staff and permanent scientific staff to serve on the Institute's office in the manner laid down in its rules of procedure,
  • approve the annual report of the Institute submitted to it by the President of Institute, on behalf of the executive committee, on the management of it.

Executive committee


The executive committee consists of 11 members:

  • Pr. Pascal Kienlen-Campard, President of the Institute;
  • Pr. Frédéric Clotman, Responsible of CEMO Division;
  • Pr. Philippe Gailly, CEMO Division's representative;
  • Pr. André Mouraux, Responsible of COSY Division;
  • Dr. Valérie Goffaux, COSY Division's representative;
  • Pr. Philippe de Timary, Responsible of NEUR Division;
  • Dr. Riëm El Tahry, NEUR Division's representative;
  • Dr Olivier Schakman and Cédric Lenoir, representatives of the scientific staff of the Institute (CORSCI);
  • Pr. Marcus Missal, representative of the Proximity Doctoral Commission attached to the IoNS;
  • Véronique Lambrechts, representative of the administrative and technical staff of the Institute (PAT).


The executive committee performs the following specific tasks:

  • deliberate and decide political issues in compliance with the major research policy guidelines determined by the members of the Institute at the Council;
  • propose to the Council of the Institute any change in the ROI if it’s appropriate, follows the action of the President of the Institute;
  • especially in its relations with the academic authorities, sectors, faculties, institutes and other outdoor environments at the university;
  • provides missions of pulse, of animation, of coordination, of development and of evaluation of research at the Institute;
  • adopt the Institute's budget and its allocation, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Council;
  • ensures, by appropriate procedures, information to members of the Institute.