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Chronic pain and bio-psycho-social approach in rehabilitation



Research Team Collaborations Publications


Development of new psycho-physical assessment and therapeutics aspects of patients with neuropathic pain, chronic regional pain syndrom (crps) and chronic widespread pain with a bio-psycho-social lecture.

The  patient's approach who suffers from chronic pain is part of a holistic bio-psycho-social vision. It's from a detailed observation of the patient and semiology that we can make some assumptions to better understanding the complex pathogenesis of chronic pain. There are no linear correlations between nociception and pain clinic. The integration of comorbidities (anxiety, depression) and linked symptoms is important in order to develop efficient therapeutic approaches. In different research with chronic pain patients, we were able to apprehend the assessment of the followings:

  • Fitness and perceived exertion in chronic low back pain and fibromyalgia
  • Evaluation of passive muscle stiffness in fibromyalgia patients
  • Cognitive impairment and its association with pain, hypervigilance and anxiety disorders and depression in chronic pain, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Patterns of activity (the "hyperactivity") and its determinants in the state premorbid fibromyalgia
    the link between emotions and chronic pain.
We took part in the development and / or validation of psychometric questionnaires in French:
  • neuropathic pain symptom inventory
  • survey of pain attitude
  • kinesiophobia
  • orebromusculoskeletal screening questionnaires
  • Determination of the conduction velocity of C nociceptors fibers in healthy subjects (with sensory quantitative evaluation and thermal CO2 laser evoked potentials)
  • Tactile threshold determination by the adaptive method.
  • Development of new therapeutic approach on patients suffering from fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain syndrome;
  • Thermal quantitative sensory testing in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS);
  • Pathophysiology of patients suffering from CRPS, FMS and small fibre pathology;
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome and laser-evoked potentials;
  • Research about the efficacy of specific exercises or drugs on musculo-articular stiffness in FMS patients or other chronic pain patients;
  • Research about the link between representational and behavioural hyperactivity in chronic widespread pain in fibromyalgia;
  • Research project in collaboration with pole CEMO.

Websites:  Chronic pain consultation (CDC) - Médecine physique - Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc // Chronic pain Mont Godinne


Principal investigators

  • Etienne MASQUELIER, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, pain specialist
  • Anne BERQUIN, MD, PhD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, pain specialist
  • Valérie-Anne DE WILDE, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, pain specialist

Postdoctorate fellows

  • Jacques GRISART, MD, PhD
  • Nathalie SCAILLET, PhD
PhD students  
  • Audric GILMAN, PhD student
Health workers
  • Jacques D'HAEYERE,Physiotherapist  
  •  Annabel WUNCH, psychologist
In collaboration with:
  • Gaëlle Gillot, student
  • Sarah Brackelaire, student


Our national clinical research collaborations :

  • Pôle COSY -IoNS (André Moureau, J. Duqué, V. Legrain...)
  • Pôle CEMO-IoNS (Prof. E. Hermans)
  • Olivier Luminet – Faculté de psychologie, Centre de psychologie clinique – UCL
  • Yohan Vlayen – KUL
  •  F. Dierick, Haute Ecole de Louvain en Hainaut
  •  Samar Hatem (ULB – Bruggeman)

 Our international clinical research collaborations :

  • D. Bouhassira, N. Attal – Hôpital Ambroise Paré, Boulogne – Inserm Unité 987
  • J. Desmeules, V. Piget, A.F. Allaz, Ch. Cendraschi – Hôpital cantonal de Genève 
  • Fr. Laroche, Hôpital St Antoine, Paris
  •  Roland Peyron – CHU St Etienne
  • Emmanuelle Opsommer - Lausanne
  • D. Ciampi de Andrade, P. Stump – Université de Sao Paulo
  • T. Kapadonou, Cotonou, Bénin


Significant publications