Winckelmans Grégoire Research Group


Members of the Research Team


Collaborative theses


Past members

  • Laurent Bricteux, UMons
    Simulation of turbulent aircraft wake vortex flows and their impact on the signals returned by a coherent Doppler Lidar system (completed March 2008)
  • Corentin Carton de Wiart
    Towards a discontinuous galerkin solver for scale-resolving simulations of moderate reynolds number flows, and application to industrial cases (completed May 2014) - co-advisor prof. Jean-François Remacle (UCL)
  • Roger Cocle
    Combining the vortex-in-cell and parallel fast multipole methods for efficient domain decomposition simulations: DNS and LES approches (completed August 2007)
  • Goéric Daeninck
    Developments in hybrid approaches: vortex method with known separation location, vortex method with near-wall ulerian solver RANS-LES coupling (completed December 2006)
  • Ivan De Visscher, WaPT
    Interaction of wake vortices with the atmosphere and the ground (completed May 2012)
  • Matthieu Duponcheel, UCL
    Direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulent wall-bounded flows: further development of a parallel solver, improvement of multiscale subgrid models and investigation of vortex pairs in ground effect (completed October 2009)
  • Laurent Georges
    Development and validation of a LES methodology for complex wall-bounded flows (completed June 2007)
  • Hervé Jeanmart, professor at UCL
    Investigation of novel approaches and models for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows (completed December 2002)
  • Timothée Lonfils
    Vortex particle-mesh method with combined immersed boundary and mesh refinement techniques. Application to bluff-body and wake-vortex flows (completed May 2011)
  • Yves Marichal, WaPT
    An immersed interface vortex particle-mesh method (completed September 2014) - co-advisor
    prof. Philippe Chatelain (UCL)
  • Paul Ploumhans
    Simulation of high Reynolds number flows past bluff bodies using vortex and boundary element methods (completed 2001)
  • François Thirifay
    Simulation of non-reactive and reactive shear flows using lagrangian particle methods (completed May 2006)
  • Olivier Thiry
    Investigation of wall shear stress models for large eddy simulation (completed January 2017)
  • Péter Vass
    Numerical investigation of the tip leakage flow in different high pressure turbine blade configurations (completed June 2012) - co-advisor prof. Tony Arts (the von Karman Institutefor Fluid Dynamics - VKI)

Postdoctoral research fellow

  • Dr. Louis Dufresne, Postdoctoral Fellow, funded by the National Sciences and Research COuncil (NSERC) of Canada, then by EC projects : AWIATOR, FAR-Wake and WakeNet2-Europe (2002-2004)