Members of the Research Team
- Olivier Lamberts, doctoral student (co-adviser prof. Philippe Chatelain)
Numerical simulation and flow visualization of supersonic ejector - Michele Di Matteo, doctoral student
Large eddy simulation of supersonic ejector, including condensation
Collaborative theses
- Sophia Buckingham, doctoral student, VKI (co-adviser prof. G. Winckelmans and Jeroen Van Beek of VKI)
Numerical simulation of a backward facing step with heat transfer in liquid metal - Yu Fang, doctoral student (co-adviser prof. Sébastien Poncet, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
Numerical simulation of two-phase CO2 nozzle/ejector
External theses
- Marco De Lorenzzo, Ecole Polytechnique X, Paris et EDF
Modeling of critical two-phase flows - Katrien Van Tichelen, KUL (co-adviser prof. William D'haeseleer et SCK.CEN)
Nuclear thermal-hydraulics of liquid metals
Past members
- Amel Hemedi
- François Henry
Experimental and modelling investigations on droplet entrainment in a PWR hot leg under stratified flow conditions (completedAugust 2016) - co-adviser Ir. M. Valette (CEA) - Gaël Lorieul, doctoral student (co-adviser prof. Philippe Chatelain)
Numerical simulation of free surface flow and heat transfer in liquid metal using vortex particle mesh method. - Simon Vanmaercke
Secondary SCRAM system for liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors (competed February 2012) - co-adviser prof. William D'haeseleer
Postdoctoral research fellow
- Dr. Marie Willemet