Papalexandris Miltiadis Research Group


Personnal website

Members of the Research Team

  • William A. Hay, doctoral student. 
    Study of natural convection and evaporation in wet-storage pools of spent nuclear fuel.
  • Constantin Sula, doctoral student
    Mathematical modeling and simulation of spray combustion process.

Past members

  • Dr. Panagiotis Antoniadis, Engineer, Far Field Technologies
    Modeling and numerical simulation of transient flows in superposed porous and pure-fluid layers (October 2015)
  • Dr. Vincent Deledicque, Section Leader, Bel V
  • Ms. Rachel Dutrieue, HVAC & Fire Engineer, Tractebel Engineering
  • Dr. Michail Georgiou, Technology Engineer and Fluid Mechanics expert, Atlas Copco
    Numerical study of impinging jet flows and turbulent heat transfer with application to the pressurized thermal shock problem (December 2017)
  • Dr. Holger Grosshans, post-doctoral fellow. Turbulent two-phase flows, flows with charged solid particles and explosion protection.
  • Mr. Xavier Kuborn, Project Leader, Belgian Building Research Institute
  • Dr. Bamdad Lessani, Professor, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
  • Dr. Davide Monsorno,
    Modeling and simulation of granular flows with application to sediment transport in coastal and fluvial environments (February 2018)
  • Dr. Siva Muppala, Senior Lecturer, Kingston University
  • Mr. Christian Schmitz, Engineer, Atlas Copco.
  • Dr. Pierre Schrooyen, CENAERO
    Numerical simulation of aerthermal flows through ablative thermal protection systems (November 2015) - co-advisor Prof. Philippe Chatelain (UCL)
  • Dr. Ehsan Tavakoli, Lecturer, Amirkabir University of Technology (Teheran Polytechnic)
  • Dr. Christos Varsakelis, Senior Scientist, Sabie Corporation
    Theoretical and numerical analysis of hydrostatics and low-Mach number flows of two-phase granular mixtures (October 2012)