Seminars - Short courses - Workshops

Scientific events


Complex time-to-event data Conference

December 17-18, 2015

  • Per Kragh Andersen (Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen)
  • Gerda Claeskens (Operations Research and Business Statistics, KUL)
  • Emmanuel Lesaffre (Leuven Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics Centre, KUL)
  • Yi Li (Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan)
  • Thomas Scheike (Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen)
  • Hans C. van Houwelingen (Department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center)
  • Lan Wang (School of Statistics, University of Minnesota)



May 02, 2016
Nicole Barthel, Technical University Munich, Germany
"Vine copula based inference of multivariate event time data"

February 19, 2016
Pierre Dupont, UCL
"A balanced hazard ratio to evaluate survival risk groups"

December 11, 2015
Ying-Ying Lee, Oxford University, United Kingdom
"Welfare Analysis for Discrete Choice with Interval-data on Income"

March 20, 2015
Uschi Müller, Texas A&M University, TX, USA
"Efficient estimation in regression with missing responses"

March 18, 2015
Samuel Maistre, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
"A general approach to goodness-of-fit tests for regression models: application to single-index hypotheses and functional data models and bootstrap considerations"

March 13, 2015 (Joint UCL/ULB)
Justin Chown, ISBA, UCL
"A new approach in testing for heteroskedastic errors of a nonparametric regression"

February 27, 2015
Ioannis Papastathopoulos, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
"Statistical analysis of safety data and drug-induced liver injury"

November 28, 2014 (Joint UCL/ULB)
Alina Nicolaie, ISBA, UCL
"New approaches in competing risks cure models"

October 17, 2014
Nathalie Graffeo, SESTIM, ORS, Marseille, France
"A Log-Rank type test to compare net survival distributions"

October 13, 2014
Paul Peng, Queen's University, Canada
"Generalized Estimating Equations for Clustered Survival Data"

June 18, 2014
Alexander Tsodikov, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, MI, USA
"Modeling Outcomes of Cancer Screening"

February 28, 2014
Hein Putter, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
"Dynamic frailty models based on compound birth-death processes"

February 05, 2014
Svetlana Gribkova, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France
"Some nonparametric methods in studying dependence in presence of censoring"

February 06, 2013
Bettina Drepper, University of Mannheim, Germany
"Social Interaction Effects in Duration Models"

December 07, 2012
Francesco Bravo, University of York, United Kingdom
"Varying coefficients partially linear models with randomly censored data"

May 04, 2012
Alina Nicolae, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
"Dynamic Pseudo-Observations: A Robust Approach To Dynamic Prediction In Competing Risks"

April 20, 2012
Gerard van den Berg, University of Mannheim, Germany
"Testing for Unobserved Heterogeneity in Duration Analysis Using Time-Varying Explanatory Variables"

March 23, 2012
Yassin Mazroui, Université de Bordeaux Segalen, ISPED, INSERM U89
"Modélisation conjointe de deux types d'événements récurrents et d'un événement terminal dépendant: Application aux données de cancer du sein"

March 16, 2012
Jean-François Dupuy, Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes (IRMAR),INSA de Rennes, France
"Logistic regression with a cure fraction"


Short Courses

October 14 and 15, 2014
Short course by Paul PENG on "Cure models and their estimation methods and applications"
Paul PENG, Department of Public Health Sciences, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada

September 17, 2014
Short course by Alina Nicolaie, on "Analysis of competing risks data for inference and prediction"
Alina NICOLAIE, Universiteit Gent (from 9.00 to 17.00 ISBA Room C115)

May 19 and 20, 2014
Short course by Dimitris Rizopoulos on "An Introduction to the Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data,with Applications in R"
Dimitris RIZOPOULOS, Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus University Medical Center, The Netherlands (from 9.00 to 17.00 ISBA Room C115)



May 13, 2016
Workshop on "Population-based Cure of Cancer in Flanders using Relative Survival"
Geert Silversmit, Research Department of the Belgian Cancer Registry, Brussels, Belgium

March 22, 2013
ARC - One day Workshop on Cure Models : What if we don't all die?
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