Doctoral School

The interuniversity doctoral school provides an advanced training in the different areas of theoritical and applied methods used in statistics/actuarial sciences and is hence highly interdisciplinary.
This training is achieved by:

  • regular short courses, given by visiting professors from abroad and internationally recognized experts in their field
  • summer schools 

The school is open to all universities of the Belgian French speaking community organizing a doctoral program in statistics/actuarial sciences.
Students visitors from outside the community and from abroad are welcome to benefit from our activities.

Young Researchers Day

The Young Researchers Day (YRD) takes place twice a year on the first Friday of the semester. At the YRD the doctoral students of our Institute give talks on the topics of their current research. 

Doctoral Commissions (CDD)

The CDD is intended for doctoral students and researchers of the Science et Technology sector.
You will find the required information about doctoral procedure and administrative rules. 
In particular, the procedure for the different stages of the PhD is detailed on the CDD page.
(nb: your login and password are necessary to reach the pages about the CDD)

Doctoral dissertations in progress 


Doctoral dissertations completed