FORTHCOMING scientific events

Nest Seminars and Workshops February, 2018

YRD : Young Researchers Day | March 09, 2018

Programme YRD 9/3/2018 09h00 : Pauline Ngugnie Diffouo "Static risk measure of life annuity products" 09h25 : Manon Martin “Combining ASCA and mixed models to analyse high dimensional designed...
16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

Anne-Laure Buisson, VOO

Deux exemples d'analyses de données temporelles : survie et cluster de séquences Abstract: Les méthodes d'analyse de survie sont surtout utilisées dans le contexte des essais cliniques, avec...
14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

Sabine Verboven, Atlas Copco

Data Science in Practice - Examples from Industry Abstract: Data science is a buzz word in the industry and the academical world. But do you know what it means? Are you aware what kind of...
14:30 / Statistics Seminars

Sylvain Sardy, Université de Genève

Thresholding tests Abstract: We propose new test statistics based on lasso to test a null-hypothesis in generalized linear models. We show that under $H_0$ the test statistics are...
Short courses

Sylvain Sardy, Université de Genève

Statistics and optimisation by Professor Sylvain Sardy, Université de Genève   Dates   15/02/2018 and 16/02/2018 at ISBA, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve  ...