Room: C115 at ISBA, Voie du Roman Pays, 20 - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Applied statistics workshops |
Statistics seminars |
Actuarial seminars |
Young Researchers Day |
IMMAQ seminars |
31/01/2014 |
Young Researchers Day 9h - 12h30 |
05/02/2014 |
Statistics seminars / ARC Seminar "Semiparametric inference for survival and cure models" |
16h15 |
Svetlana Gribkova, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France |
07/02/2014 |
Applied statistics workshops |
14h30 |
Benoit Frénay, ICTEAM Institute, Machine Learning Group, UCL |
16h00 |
Grégoire Vincke et Géraldine Marchand, UCL-LSBA |
14/02/2014 |
Statistics seminars |
14h30 |
Yvik Swan, Université de Liège |
Statistics seminars / ARC Seminar "Stochastic Modelling of Dependence: Systems under Stress" |
16h00 |
Anne Leucht, Universität Mannheim, Germany |
21/02/2014 |
Applied statistics workshops |
14h30 |
Pierre Maurage et Alexandre Heeren, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) |
16h00 |
Christian Ritter, Statistical Methods and Computing Service, UCL and Ritter & Danielson Consulting |
28/02/2014 |
Statistics seminars |
14h30 |
Lutz Mattner, Universität Trier, Deutschland |
Statistics seminars / ARC Seminar "Semiparametric inference for survival and cure models" |
16h00 |
Hein Putter, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands |
07/03/2014 |
Statistics seminars Joint UCL / ULB à l'ULB |
14h30 |
Laure Sansonnet, ISBA, UCL |
16h00 |
Dominik Liebl, ULB |
10/03/2014 |
Actuarial seminars |
14h15 |
Ermanno Pitacco, DEAMS, University of Trieste, Italy |
14/03/2014 |
Applied statistics workshops |
14h30 |
Céline Bugli, Matthieu Vanpachterbeke, SMCS, UCL |
16h00 |
Lieven Desmet, ISBA, UCL |
21/03/2014 |
Statistics seminars |
14h30 |
Yves Rozenholc, University Paris Descartes and INRIA Select, France |
Statistics seminars / ARC Seminar "Stochastic Modelling of Dependence: Systems under Stress" |
16h00 |
Ansgar Steland, RWTH Aachen, Germany |
28/03/2014 |
Statistics seminars |
14h30 |
Anne Vanhems, Toulouse School of Economics, France |
16h00 |
Pierre Maréchal, Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, France |
25/04/2014 |
Applied statistics workshops |
14h30 |
Olga Reznikova, Risk Dynamics, Germany |
16h00 |
Sophie Béreau, ILSM - UCL |
02/05/2014 |
Statistics seminars |
14h30 |
Anna Dudek, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland |
09/05/2014 |
Statistics seminars |
14h30 |
Yizao WANG, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA |
18/06/2014 |
Statistics seminars / ARC Seminar "Semiparametric inference for survival and cure models" |
14h30 |
Alexander Tsodikov, Department of Biostatistics School of Public Health, University of Michigan, MI, USA |