IAP Workshop 5 - November 25, 2011

IAP Workshop 5 - November 25, 2011




The Interuniversity Attraction Pole on Statistics (IAP/P6/03) is a network of 9 research teams who collaborate on the topic of the statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data.




09:00 Welcome coffee

09:30 Welcome, report on status of the network, summary of results

09:40 Session 1: Dependence and copulas
         Organizer: Irene Gijbels

         09:40 Introduction: Johan Segers
         10:00 Dominik Sznajder:
                  “Testing for dependence structures by means of copulas”
         10:25 Fentaw Abegza: 
                  “Semiparametric estimation of conditional copulas”
         10:50 Discussion: Irene Gijbels

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Session 2: High-dimensional data
         Organizer: Luc Duchateau

         11:30 Introduction: Olivier Thas
         11:50 Lieven Clement: 
                  "Functional data analysis in genomics"
         12:15 Katrijn Van Deun: 
                  “Sparse simultaneous component analysis”
         12:40 Discussion: Luc Duchateau

12:50 Lunch / Administrative lunch meeting

14:10 Session 3: Hierarchically structured data
         Organizers: Geert Molenberghs, Francis Tuerlinckx, Geert Verbeke

         14:10 Introduction: Geert Molenberghs
         14:30 Edmund Njeru Njagi: 
                  “A Flexible Joint-Modelling Framework for Longitudinal 
                  and Time-to-Event Data with Overdispersion”
         14:55 Kim De Roover: 
                  “Clusterwise SCA-ECP: Capturing differences and similarities 
                  in nature and number 
                  of underlying components in multivariate multiblock data”
         15:20 Discussion: Geert Molenberghs

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Session 4: Instrumental variables regression
         Organizers: Jan Johannes, Ingrid Van Keilegom

         16:00 Introduction: Jan Johannes
         16:20 Stijn Vansteenlandt: 
                  “Instrumental Variables Estimation of Causal Odds Ratios"
         16:45 Maik Schwarz: 
                  “Partially adaptive nonparametric instrumental regression”
         17:10 Discussion: Els Goetghebeur

17:20 End of Workshop  


Practical informations and accommodation


The workshop will take place in:
Auditoire Socrate 11 (SOCR 11)
Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve.

Please find a map of Louvain-la-Neuve here
The lecture hall  SOCR 11 is located in the "building 19" on the map (coordinates D5, use "zoom-in").

The parking lot "Grand-place" (liable to fees) is right near the "building 19".
The directions to the workshop from the parking lot will be pointed out by signs.

How to get to Louvain-la-Neuve ?

If you want to stay in Louvain-la-Neuve overnight, please contact Tatiana Regout 




We thank you in advance for participating in  the workshop and kindly ask you to register online.
Participation is free of charge but registration no later than November 11 is mandatory.


Contact and information


Mrs Tatiana Regout
Voie du Roman Pays 20
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Email : Tatiana Regout
Phone : (+32)10/47.94.07
Fax : (+32)10/47.30.32


    Sponsored by                                         Organized by


 Belspo                     PAI        UCL 

     www.belspo.be                              IAP/P6/03               www.uclouvain.be