March 10, 2017
ISBA - C115 (Seminar Room Bernouilli)
Contagion modeling between the nancial and
insurance markets with time changed processes
This study analyses the impact of contagion between nancial and non-life insurance markets on the asset-liability management policy of an insurance company. The indirect dependence between these markets is modeled by assuming that the assets return and non-life insurance claims are led respectively by time-changed Brownian and jump processes, for
which stochastic clocks are integrals of mutually self-exciting processes. This model exhibits delayed co-movements between nancial and non-life insurance markets, caused by events like natural disasters, epidemics, or economic recessions.
which stochastic clocks are integrals of mutually self-exciting processes. This model exhibits delayed co-movements between nancial and non-life insurance markets, caused by events like natural disasters, epidemics, or economic recessions.
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