Call for abstracts



We invite all researchers, practitioners, and PhD students interested in statistics to participate in the PhD Day and/or BSS 2014 conference and to present their work.

There are two ways to contribute: via an oral presentation at the PhD day or via an enhanced poster (poster + 3 minute talk + mini paper) during the conference.

There will be no contributed session, other than the enhanced posters, during the conference. However, enhanced poster (composed of a poster, a three minutes talk and a mini paper) is a type of contribution which fully meets the requirements of funding organizations. The purpose of this format is multiple: It gives you the opportunity to show your work, it gives the audience an opportunity to obtain a wide overview of all the contributions which would be impossible to obtain in common parallel sessions, and the mini-paper is something which could be a stepping stone towards a journal article for you and something interested other participants would be keen on taking home with them.

Abstract submission

Abstract should be submitted using the provided format by September 05, 2014.


You can contribute in three different ways depending on who you are and which part of the conference you will attend.

If you are a PhD student and you participate in the PhD day on Wednesday 5 November 2014, you can choose between one of these two options:
- Team talk: You can submit an abstract for a joint presentation with your doctoral advisor (your doctoral advisor gets a few minutes to outline the context and you will have a bit less than 20 minutes to explain your work).
- Individual talk: You can submit an abstract for an individual contributed talk (20 minutes including discussion).

All participants of the main conference on 6 and 7 November 2014, may submit an abstract for a contribution which we call an ENHANCED POSTER (see above). It consists of three elements:
- The poster itself (limited to size A0)
- A three minute talk at one of the poster storm sessions integrated in the main program
- A mini paper (at least4 pages) 

Note: PhD student who contribute to the PhD day on Wednesday can also contribute via an enhanced poster, either by mentioning it in their abstract submission (if on the same topic) or by sending a separate abstract for a poster at the main conference (if on a different topic).

The number of slots for an oral communication as well as for a poster presentation is limited. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee who might decide to reject an abstract or to transfer some applications for an oral presentation to a poster one.


Please send your abstract in English in plain text without mathematical formulas to the following address:
Do so respecting the following instructions (have a look below at the example):

Subject of email: BSS2014#Name#Firstname#Type where Type is Poster, TeamPhD, IndivPhD

Message body:
Name, Firstname
Institution (name and address)

Title (at most 60 characters)
Abstract (at most 500 characters)

Optional: Keywords


Subject: BSS2014#Zrgfff#Grp#Poster

Zrgfff, Grp
Planetary Privacy Commission, Mars

Title: Statistically Designed Experiments to Confuse Robots sent from Earth

Robots sent from Earth to explore the surface of Mars are becoming more sophisticated. While it was still possible to confuse earlier models by simply attaching a photograph in front of their camera, a more elaborate procedure is now needed. Here we study the application of plic-plic-ploc designs to emulate realistic landscapes in urban areas and show how different settings of emulation parameters lead to completely different news stories captured from Earth television stations.







