ARC seminars

ARC SEMINARS 2011 - 2012 


  • Friday, December 16, 2011 at ISBA room c-115
    Joint seminar ISBA/CORE (in the frame of the ARC project on Time Series)
    Paul Doukhan, University of Cergy-Pontoise, Member of the French Universitary Institute (IUF), France
    "Modeling integer valued time series"   
  • Monday, April 23, 2012 at Core b-135
    Joint CORE-ISBA seminar (in the frame of the ARC project on Time Series)
    Jean-Marie Dufour, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
    "Exogeneity tests, weak identification and IV estimation:Is the cure worse than the illness?"


ARC SEMINARS 2010 - 2011