1st Semester 2009-2010 and previously

Seminars 1st Semester 2009-2010


15-18 Sept. 09

Short course on "Mixed Models" More info
Helen Brown
, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Robin Prescott, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

C. Legrand


Ven, Fr, 25/09/09

Journée Jeunes Chercheurs - Young Researchers Day (YRD)

O. Reznikova

More info


Ven, Fr, 02/10/09


Josée Dupuis, Boston University School of Public Health, USA
"Statistical methods for gene mapping in family samples"

C. Legrand


Pierre Dupont, UCL Machine Learning Group, Polytechnic School of Louvain, Belgium
"Biomarker selection from microarray data: a transfer learning approach"

Accessibles/Available: Slides and Paper1 Paper2

Mer, We, 07/10/09

Joint seminar CORE/STAT in the frame of ARC/Time Series

Room Core b-135


Matteo Barigozzi, ECARES, TBA, Brussels, Belgium
"A seminonparametric vector MEM. Desentangling commonness and idiosyncracy for a large panel of volatilities"


Ven, Fr, 09/10/09


Christian Ritter, Institut de statistique UCL, Belgium
"Presentation of quantitative information"

C. Ritter


Christian Ritter, Institut de statistique UCL, Belgium
"Combining software tools to practise statistics"

C. Ritter


Jeu 15 - ven 16/10/09


SBS - BSS meeting. Lommel, Belgium





Ven, Fr, 23/10/09


Piotr Fryzlewicz, London School of Economics, London, UK
"Thick-pen transformation for time series"
Slides paper

R. von Sachs


Clifford LAM, London School of Economics, London, UK
"Large Precision Matrix Estimation for Time Series Data with Latent Factor Model"

R. von Sachs


Ven, Fr, 30/10/09


Christian Monseur, Université de Liège, ULg, Liège, Belgium
"Intérets de la régression multi-niveaux pour les sciences de l'Education"

B. Govaerts



Dany Jourdan, Danalyse, Brussels, Belgium
"Le poids des chiffres, le choc des graphiques. Quelques illustrations d'intoxication statistique"

B. Govaerts


Mind changing of time


Ven, Fr, 06/11/09


Marcel Rémon, FUNDP, Namur, Belgium
"Additivity" versus "Maxitivity" at the heart of Statistical Inference"
paper abstract

J. Segers


Ven, Fr, 13/11/09


Nico Speybroeck, UCL, Belgium

C. Legrand

Unité d'épidémiologie, biostatistique et méthodes opérationnelles en santé publique
"Measuring and understanding socio-economic inequality in health"


Heidi Wouters, Ablynx nv, Ghent, Belgium
"Design of experiments in the framework of a cell based potency assay"

C. Ritter

Mer, We, 18/11/09


Joint seminar CORE/STAT/LSM Finance
(in the frame of ARC/Time Series)

Michael Rockinger, HEC, Université de Lausanne, TBA, Switzerland
"Fourth order pseudo maximum likelihood methods"


Jeu 19 - ven 20/11/09


PAI workshop in Leuven

Th 19 - Fr 20/11/09



Ven, Fr, 27/11/09

Conference in honor of Marc Hallin, (ULB)


Ven, Fr 04/12/09


Sébastien Déjean, Université de Toulouse III, France
"Analysing detail coefficients from a wavelet decomposition to improve the discrimination of metabolomics profiles"

B. Govaerts



Tom Bloemberg, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
"Alignment and analysis of complex '-omics' data"

B. Govaerts



Ven, Fr, 11/12/09

Joint seminar UCL/ULB


Anouar El Ghouch, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium
"Measuring the discrepancy of a parametric model via local polynomial smoothing"


Site UCL/UCL campus



Catherine Dehon, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
"How to deal with outliers in regression"



Ven, FR, 18/12/09




Légende / Caption

Séminaire joint CORE/STAT - Joint CORE/STAT Seminar

Atelier de statistique appliquée - Applied Statistic Workshop


Séminaire statistique - Statistic Seminar

Séminaires Jeunes Chercheurs - Young reasearcher day (YRD)

Séminaire joint STAT/PAI - Joint STAT/IAP seminar

Séminaire joint ARC/CORE/STAT - Joint ARC/CORE/STAT seminar

Séminaire joint ULB/UCL - Joint ULB/UCL seminar





Calendrier général des séminaires du premier semestre 2008-2009

Séminaire CORE/STAT

Joint CORE/STAT seminars

Mercredi 24/09

" Modelling Electricity" afternoon

Niels Haldrup, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Siem Jan Koopman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Séminaires CORE/STAT/ARC

Joint CORE/STAT/ARC seminars

Vendredi 10/10

"Copulas" afternoon

Claudia Kirch, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

John Aston, Warwick University, UK

Mercredi 29/10

Claudia Czado, Technische Universität Munchen, Germany

Alfonso Valdesogo, CORE, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 31/10

Timo Teräsvirta, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Kris Boudt, KULeuven, Belgium

Vendredi 12/12

Rohit Deo, Stern Business School, New York, USA

Séminaires statistique

Statistics Seminars

Vendredi 05/12

Kyusang Yu, Universität Mannheim, Germany

Julia Dony, VUB, Brussels, Belgium

Statistique appliquée

Applied Statistics Workshops

Vendredi 03/10

Christian Ritter, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Christian Ritter, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 24/10

Christophe Gillain, AXA Belgium

Marc Duquesne, AXA Belgium

Vendredi 07/11

Karim Chine, Cambridge, UK

Karim Chine, Cambridge, UK

Vendredi 28/11

Viviane Planchon, CRA, Gembloux, Belgium

Angélique Baclin, GSK, Belgium

Séminaires STAT/PAI

Joint STAT/IAP seminars

Vendredi 14/11

"Survival analysis"

Dimitris Rizopoulos, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Goele Massonnet, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium

Séminaires STAT/ULB

Joint STAT/ULB seminars

Vendredi 21/11

Marc Hallin, ULB, Belgium

Ingrid Van Keilegom, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Calendrier général des séminaires du second semestre 2008-2009


Semaine 1

Vendredi 30/01

Journée Jeunes Chercheurs (YRD)

R. von Sachs

Semaine 2

Vendredi 06/02


Défense de thèse de Giovanni Motta, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

"Evolutionary factor analysis"

Semaine 3

Vendredi 13/02


Matthieu Dubois, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France

B. Govaerts

"Particularités statistiques des études de cas uniques en neuropsychologie"


Cédric Taverne, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

B. Govaerts

"Evaluation de choix individuels à l'aide de la méthodologie des préférences déclarées: le point sur la méthode, ses points forts, ses faiblesses"

Semaine 4

Vendredi 20/02


Adrian Bowman, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

I. Van Keilegom

"Additive models for environmental applications" (paper)


Rosa Maria Crujeiras-Casais, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

I. Van Keilegom

"Least squares estimation of nonlinear spatial trends" (paper)

Semaine 5

Vendredi 27/02


Tetyana Kadankova, University of Hasselt, Belgium

C. Hafner

"Busy period, time of the first loss of a customer and the number of the customers in the the Mu|Gδ|1|B queuing queuing system"


Semaine 6

Vendredi 06/03


François Vandenhende, Clinbay, Belgium

B. Govaerts

"Adaptative designs in clinical trials"


Jérôme Ambroise, Laboratoire de télécommunications et télédétection, UCL, Belgium

B. Govaerts

"L"utilisation d'outils statistiques pour l'analyse des puces à ADN"

Mercredi 11/03


Shin-Huei Wang, CORE, UCL, Belgium

L. Bauwens

b-135 (core)

Jeudi 12/03


Jan Johannes, Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, Germany

C. Hafner

"Nonparametric estimation and prediction for spatial panel time series"

Semaine 7

Vendredi 13/03


Rainer von Sachs, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

C. Hafner

"Tree-structured wavelet estimation with application to mixed effects modelling"

Site ULB


Christine De Mol, Dept. of Mathematics and ECARES, ULB, Belgium

C. Hafner

"Sparsity in regression and learning problems"

Mercredi 18/03


Jean-Pierre Urbain, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

C. Hafner

b-135 (core)

"Cross-sectional dependence robust block bootstrap panel unit root tests"

(in the frame of the ARC project on time series)

Semaine 8

Vendredi 20/03


Annick Masson, Service des Sciences et Technologies Alimentaires, Institut Meurice, Bruxelles, Belgium

B. Govaerts

"Les outils statistiques utilisés dans l'analyse de données sensorielles: cas pratiques"


Christian Ritter, UCL and R&D Consulting, Belgium and Thomas Costenoble, Vinopres, Belgium

C. Ritter

"Statistical analysis of a wine competition - A sobering experience?"

Semaine 9

Vendredi 27/03


Andreas Wienke, Institute of Medical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany

C. Legrand

"Parametric frailty models for clustered survival data"


Stijn Vansteelandt, Ghent University

C. Legrand

"Estimation of marginal structural survival models in the presence of competing risks"

Semaine 10

Vendredi 03/04


Edward Omey, Bruxelles (Paper)

J. Segers

"Domains of attraction of the random vector (X,X2) and applications"


Bojan Basrak, University of Zagreb, Croatia

J. Segers

"Asymptotic behavior of sample mean on trees"

Semaine 11

Vendredi 24/04

Afternoon: "Introduction to Business Intelligence abstracts

C. Legrand

Attention horaire



Libei Chen, UCL, Vadis

"Analytical challenges in business intelligence"


Esteban Zimanyi, ULB

"Extending data warehouse technologies with spatial and temporal information"


Coffee break


André De Vos, CV Vooruit,

"Balancing service and costs: using analytics to optimise inventory in a pharmaceutical distribution network"


Youri Bayens, FPS Economy

"BI at FPS economy: strategy and implementation"

Semaine 13

Mercredi 6/05 au


Short course on "Design for Clinical Trials " by Alessandra Giovagnoli, Université de Bologne, Italie

C. Legrand

vendredi 8/05/09

Cliquez-ici pour plus d'infos

Vendredi 08/05


Laurent Delsol, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

I. Van Keilegom

"M-estimation in semi-parametric models when the criterion function is not smooth"


Stéphane Laurent, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

C. Legrand

"Objective Bayesian confidence intervals (d'après Bernado)"

Mercredi 13/05


Jeroen Rombouts, HEC, Montreal (QC), Canada

L. Bauwens

c-035 Core

"A nonparametric copula based test for conditional independence with applications to Granger causality"



Oliver Linton, London School of Economics (LSE), United Kingdom

C. Hafner

"Efficient estimation of a multivariate multiplicative volatility model"

Semaine 14


Congrès éméritat de Léopold SIMAR

I. Van Keilegom

14-15 mai

"Exploring research frontiers in contemporary statistics and econometrics"



Séminaire joint CORE/STAT

Atelier de statistique appliquée - Plus d'infos: cliquez ici

Séminaire statistique

Séminaires Jeunes Chercheurs

Séminaire joint STAT/PAI

Séminaire joint ARC/CORE/STAT

Séminaire joint ULB/UCL


Calendrier général des séminaires année 2007-2008 - General calendar of the seminars year 2007-2008

Journée Jeunes Chercheurs -

Young Researchers Day

Vendredi 21/09/07

Vendredi 01/02/08

B. Teodorescu, R. El Mehdi, R. Rousseau, G. Geenens, A. Miller, J. Hunt

Séminaires statistique -

Statistics Seminars

Vendredi 28/09/07

François Roueff, ENST, TSI, Paris, France

Gerda Claeskens, KULeuven, Belgium

Vendredi 12/10/07

Andrea Krajina, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Thomas Mikosch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Vendredi 26/10/07

Michel van de Velden, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Patrick Groenen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Vendredi 30/11/07

Roland Fried, Universität Dortmund, Germany

Vendredi 14/12/07

Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser, Université de Genève, Switzerland

Christophe Croux, KULeuven, Belgium

Vendredi 16/11/07

Peter Boswijk, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (joint seminar with CORE)

Hashem Pesaran, University of Cambridge, UK (joint seminar with CORE)

Jeudi 29/11/07

Anthony Davison, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland

Ernesto San Martin, PUC Santiago, Chile (joint seminar with PAI)

Vendredi 08/02/08

Wenceslao Gonzalez Manteiga, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain (joint seminar with PAI)

John Einmahl, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands

Vendredi 07/03/08

Jutta Gampe, Max-Planck Institüt für demografische Froschung, Rostock, Germany

Après-midi "Extreme Value Theory"

Holger Rootzen, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden

Vendredi 14/03/08

Guy Mélard, ULB, Belgium

Après-midi "Time Series Analysis"

Christian Hafner, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 11/04/08

Julian Reiss, Erasmus Universiteit of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Après-midi "Causality"

Guillaume Wunsch, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 25/04/08

Stefan Lang, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Vendredi 16/05/08

Catherine Legrand, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Après-midi "Survival Analysis"

Noël Veraverbeke, University of Hasselt, Belgium

Ateliers de statistique appliquée -

Applied Statistics Workshops

Vendredi 05/10/07

Christian Ritter, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Christian Ritter, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 09/11/07

A. Benoit, UCL, Belgium - A. Guillet, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

W. Déwé, GSK biologicals - B. Govaerts, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 23/11/07

Stephen Evans, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Marc Buyse, IDDI, Belgium

Vendredi 07/12/07

Stéphane Laurent, GSKBio, Rixensart, Belgium

Jean-Marc Freyermuth, Institut de statistique, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 15/02/08

Vincent Ducrocq, INRA, France

Xavier Draye, UCL, Belgium

Vendredi 29/02/08

Winfried Theis, Unilever, The Netherlands

Michel Crucifix, Institut d'Astronomie et de Géophysique, UCL, Belgium

Mercredi 16/04/08

Hans Manner, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands (joint seminar with CORE)

Johanna Neslehova, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (joint seminar with CORE)

Vendredi 18/04/08

Godelieve Masuy-Stroobant, Institut de démographie, UCL, Belgium

Morgane David, Solidpartners, Belgium

Vendredi 09/05/08

Bradley Jones, SAS, USA

Olivier Roustant, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France